Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Cell Phones And Its Effect On Our Health - 947 Words
As we came to the Information Age, more and more intelligent products have been created and developed. Cell phones are one of the most important products in this age. The depth of the roles that cell phones play in our life which even we do not realize how vital it is. Normally, in order to get messages on time, people always take cell phones with them all the day. Cell phones became secretary, housekeeper and the best friend of humans. Unfortunately, according to some recent researches, cell phones may threaten our health. Then here comes the problem; is the best friend we stay with all the day really safe to us? Cell phones emit radiation as long as they are working. Radiation travelling as waves. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency, the greater the exposer to the radiation. When the energy is high enough, the radiation can displace electrons from atoms and mutate cells (Hui Eliseï ¼Å'2015). The radiation they emitted is the same as microwaves, television, laptops. It can penetrate into an adult’s brain about 4-6cmï ¼Ë† Schuz et alï ¼Å'2016ï ¼â€°. Some people are negative with the cell phone’s safety, believe that radiofrequency(RF) radiation-the type of radiation that cell phones emit; can cause DNA damage, tumor growth, and also can decrease fertility(procon.orgï ¼Å' 2016). They said the period of cancers to develop may take 20-30 years while cell phone user may take 10 or less years (procon.orgï ¼Å'2016). However, Erick Swanson considers that RF radiation were not powerfulShow MoreRelatedCell Phone And Its Effect On Our Health1430 Words  | 6 Pagesdeveloped, the cell phone starts playing an important role in our life and it takes a large part of our time. About twenty years ago, Steve Jobs didn’t sell cell phone, Apple only represented the new fashion computer and of course, no one was using the cell phone as a social method. 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