Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Cell Phones And Its Effect On Our Health - 947 Words
As we came to the Information Age, more and more intelligent products have been created and developed. Cell phones are one of the most important products in this age. The depth of the roles that cell phones play in our life which even we do not realize how vital it is. Normally, in order to get messages on time, people always take cell phones with them all the day. Cell phones became secretary, housekeeper and the best friend of humans. Unfortunately, according to some recent researches, cell phones may threaten our health. Then here comes the problem; is the best friend we stay with all the day really safe to us? Cell phones emit radiation as long as they are working. Radiation travelling as waves. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency, the greater the exposer to the radiation. When the energy is high enough, the radiation can displace electrons from atoms and mutate cells (Hui Eliseï ¼Å'2015). The radiation they emitted is the same as microwaves, television, laptops. It can penetrate into an adult’s brain about 4-6cmï ¼Ë† Schuz et alï ¼Å'2016ï ¼â€°. Some people are negative with the cell phone’s safety, believe that radiofrequency(RF) radiation-the type of radiation that cell phones emit; can cause DNA damage, tumor growth, and also can decrease fertility(procon.orgï ¼Å' 2016). They said the period of cancers to develop may take 20-30 years while cell phone user may take 10 or less years (procon.orgï ¼Å'2016). However, Erick Swanson considers that RF radiation were not powerfulShow MoreRelatedCell Phone And Its Effect On Our Health1430 Words  | 6 Pagesdeveloped, the cell phone starts playing an important role in our life and it takes a large part of our time. About twenty years ago, Steve Jobs didn’t sell cell phone, Apple only represented the new fashion computer and of course, no one was using the cell phone as a social method. However, only twenty years later, cell phone technology exploded, Jobs becomes a legend, Apple become the most famous company because of its i-Phone. Cell phone now replace letter, television, book, computer, even our friendsRead MoreBad Effects of Cell Phone on Society856 Words  | 4 PagesBAD EFFECTS OF CELL PHONE ON SOCIETY A report by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) said there were about six billion cell phone subscriptions at the end of 2011-roughly one for 86 of every 100 people. Up to now, this number has continued to increase dramatically. This proves certainly that cell phone affects our society more strongly and more deeply in many aspects. No one can deny that cell phone is playing a very important and necessary role in our society because it not onlyRead MoreEssay on The Effect of Cell Phones on Health1300 Words  | 6 Pagesconvenience to our lives. But, with that comfort and convenience, there often comes a price; and the technology of the cell phone proves no exception. Arguably, as a communication tool, the cell phone has no equal in how it has changed and affected our lives. Mostly, the effect has been positive in many ways. But, as it is with anything, overuse and abuse has brought out its dark side and the effect of unintended consequences. One of the unintended consequences of the cell phone is its effect on theRead MoreMobile Phone Use And Semen Quality870 Words  | 4 Pagestechnology based society has its perks, our society has endless amounts of information at our finger tips. But, the increase in cell phone usage has brought up many concerns relating to our health. When I think about these health concerns, I think about my mother lecturing me, â€Å"Katheryn Paige Leyde, take your phone out of your front pockets right now!†I would role my eyes, and pull my phone out of my pocket. I never really thought of technology as a health hazard, but my mother had read an article;Read MoreNegative Effects Of Cell Phones1192 Words  | 5 PagesIn this day and age, more than half of the worlds population owns and uses cell phones. It is a well-known fact that cell phones emit low doses of radiation each time one is used, however, people tend to brush it off and not think about the long-term effects it may have. Its only small doses, what harm can come from it? That is a question us cell phone users may ask ourselves, yet never really look into or research. Maybe its because we choose not to know the actual truth and just focus on theRead MoreImportance Of Cell Phone Safety Essay1056 Words  | 5 PagesThe cell phone safety In spite of the fact that cell phones convey a few expediency and advantages to our lives, they additionally have some possibly unsafe impacts. Disclosure of cell phones has been one of the critical technological progress lately. A portion of these effects has contributed emphatically to our lives, yet at the same time, others have affected contrarily. The cell phones have had a noticeable effect on the social life of individuals. In any case, cell phones have accompaniedRead MoreCell Phone Radiation Essay1012 Words  | 5 PagesPurpose: My purpose is to provide information on cell phone radiation, the risks that can be caused by cell phone radiation, and the potential health problems that could result from this. Details of the topic: I am going to talk about the arguments about how cell phone radiation can affect our lives and whether these arguments are accurate or not. Cell phone radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has the ability to cause health issues. The radiation from this device can cause seriousRead MoreImpact Of Cell Phones On Society1509 Words  | 7 Pagesinternet highlights the latest technology that captivates both young and old. Mobile phones have become an integral part of our society. Primarily, the development of cellphones which combine different sophisticated features has made the device one of the necessities of life. So far, statistics indicate that the number of cell phones in the world supersedes the total population of people. Most people consider cell phones beneficial because of the level of interconnectedness it creates between people aroundRead MoreCell Phone Safety : The Most Cherished Work Of Mine1520 Words  | 7 Pagesprobably the most cherished work of min e. I had heard the potential hazards of cell phones, and after spending an extended amount of time doing the research, the findings negating cell phone safety was irrefutable. I think that since cell phones are such a highly debated topic, it was an awesome subject to tackle, and I hope this paper can help people think twice about cell phone safety. Unseen Dangers: The Reality of Cell Phones The Industrial Revolution marked the beginning of modern technology, creatingRead MoreMobile Phone Addiction1003 Words  | 5 PagesEFFECTS OF USING MOBILE PHONE TOO MUCH           The mobile phone is one of the greatest invention in 20th century. We can not imagine how is our life without the mobile phone. It is an obvious truth that the mobile phone gives us benefits in some aspects of life. Using mobile phone distributes our communication to make it easier than before. Besides a mobile phone can provide us with a lot of functions like relaxing with music, chatting or playing games. However, today people especially young
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Great Depression Effects On America - 1351 Words
The Great Depression had a profound effect on the generation that lived through it, with many people struggling just to get by, and the crisis lasted for years. An entire decade was shaped by this event and so were its people. Because of the effects of the Great Depression, essentially everyone had to change their lifestyle and their daily routines. Because of these tough times, the American outlook on life was grim, the Great Depression lasted for over a decade and no one knew when it was going to be over. Entertainment was a way for people to forget about their troubles and problems they had in their own lives, however due to the financial restraints at the time, most people had to find extremely inexpensive or free sources of entertainment. Because of the Great Depression, it would change the scene of entertainment forever, launching the film industry along with radio shows. While the Great Depression was detrimental to the economy as a whole, many well-known radio programs, film s, and books were created during this time. Even though the Depression was a horrible time, it produced many good things as well. Families were greatly affected by the Great Depression, with many people finding themselves without a job and unable to support their families with basic necessities. Previously well off families found themselves among the vast population of poor, unemployed people and the middle class essentially vanished. While everyone was negatively affected by the GreatShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression And Its Effects On America2001 Words  | 9 PagesThe Great Depression was an incredibly dull time in the historical backdrop of the United States, impacting all the financial assets of the American lifestyle. The Great Depression shattered the financial status of the United States. President Roosevelt has been known for sparing the U.S out of the financial turmoil it found itself in from the Great Depression. The causative components of the Great Depression ar e still up for debate by many students of history and economics. For some individualsRead MoreEffects Of The Great Depression On America s Economy1442 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Depression was one of the most disastrous events that negatively impacted America’s economy, and was triggered by the crash of the stock market. One long term cause of the Great Depression would be the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl caused the prices of many foods to decrease in price rapidly, and farmers had to give up their jobs due to the dust storm. This was one of the causes of the Great Depression because it made farmers unemployed and deprived of money. Another cause would be the banksRead MoreTo What Extent Did World War Two Help The United States Of America Recover From The Effects Of The Great Depression1464 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Depression To what extent did World War Two help the United States of America recover from the effects of the Great Depression? Nirbhay Bondili Historical investigation Mr. Lissina May, 1, 2017 Question: To what extent did World War Two help the United States of America recover from the effects of the Great Depression? Evaluation of sources Source 1: Steindl, Frank G. What Ended the Great Depression? It Was Not World War II. Independent Review 12, noRead MoreThe Cause and Effects of the Great Depression Essay1443 Words  | 6 Pages1929 was the main cause of The Great Depression. In fact, The Great Depression was caused by a series of factors, and the effects of the depression were felt for many years after the stock market crash of 1929. By looking at the stock market crash of 1929, bank failures, reduction of purchasing, American economic policy with Europe, and drought conditions, it becomes apparent that The Great Depression was caused by more than just the stock market crash. The effects were detrimental beyond the financialRead MoreThe Great Depression : The Fall Of A Nation1701 Words  | 7 PagesCollin Brunton Ms. Biondi English II 3 March 2015 The Great Depression: The Fall of a Nation The Great Depression was a hard time for America. The name fits like a glove because it was, in fact a depression. The Great Depression was crucial to American history because it changed every aspect of American life, revealed how big a power America was, and it established multiple government agencies around the world to make sure something like it never happens again. The economy was at a highpointRead MoreThe Shady Shift After World War I1166 Words  | 5 PagesWar I America s economy was booming. People everywhere were making money and spending it on electronics, movies, cars, music, and late night parties. This was the time when no one had a care in the world and just enjoyed the luxury life style. But while everyone enjoyed the new amenities and frivolous spending, no one knew what was going on with the banks. Most people were extremely overjoyed with all the money coming in, it hadn’t occurred to them what problems were happening. The Great DepressionRead MoreThe Global Effects of Imperialism, World War I and the Great Depression1424 Words  | 6 PagesThe Global Effects of Imperialism, World War I and the Great Depression Bentley first talked about cross-cultural interactions as a way to categorize the World’s history. He in addition wrote aboutRead MoreThe events of the 1930’s, or the Great Depression, did the most to influence contemporary America.900 Words  | 4 Pagesof the 1930’s, or the Great Depression, did the most to influence contemporary America. During the twenties, America was at its most prosperous economic times until the stock market crashed in 1929. The stock market crash led to a dramatic decline of the U.S. economy. The decline in the economy changed Americans everyday lives. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president and he created the New Deal to provide relief, recovery and reform. The Depression impacted America in the 1930’s in everyRead MoreThe Great Depression By Herbert Hoover1445 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Depression, beginning in 1929, was a time when the world’s economy rapidly collapsed and majorly affected several continents. This ‘depression’ lasted until around 1941, and throughout that time, most people were focused on North America, mainly the United States, but other continents, such Latin America, also witnessed this great tragedy. For the United States, the Great Depression was one of the most profound economic decrease in its history. Several reasons contributed to this greatRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 19291473 Words  | 6 PagesThe first economic collapse of its magnitude, the Great Depression of 1929, produced devastating effects with lasting longevity. Though born in America, it maintained its origin and spread rapidly throughout the industrial world. The election of President Franklin D. Roosevelt brought upon changes that improved America’s overall economic situation. A new leader’s viewpoint along with The New Deal and its reform programs, and a second World War improved the conditions brought about by the economic
Monday, December 9, 2019
Case Study Analysis of Home
Question: Discuss about the Case Study Analysis of Home Pharmaceuticals. Answer: Industry and market information Home Pharmaceuticals is a private pharmaceutical company operating in Malaysia. From starting, the company established strong background of examine with the tactic of creating over-the-counter medicines. During the past years, the company has done the research into new products like bio-medical and health food supplements (HFS) along with the essential developments. The pharmaceutical industry is the technology concentrated along with the research and development activities (AHK, 2012). Current market state In Malaysia, government is supportive for the new improvements and involvement to national health. The pharmaceutical industry is conquered by over-the-counter medicines and innovative drugs with the industry growth of 7.5% per annum expected till 2020. Further, majority of the income of the country is basically generated from the leading pharmaceutical companies of the country. There are four diverse pharmaceuticals products in Malaysia i.e. over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, prescription medicines, food or health supplement and traditional medicines. So, there are various existing chances in the Malaysian market as it is predictable to grow by 13% per annum. So, Home Pharmaceuticals can take advantage of this market situation. Although it is not easy to stay competitive in the market but company has to adopt some innovative strategies to target the market (Onn, 2015). Competitors In the pharmaceutical industry, there are many strong competitors and leading companies which are giving tough competition to Home Pharmaceuticals. They are referred to as Big Pharma and generating more than 50% of the industrys sales. Majority of these companies are from US, UK, Switzerland, France, Australia and Germany. In the list of Pharmaceuticals leaders, there are diversified companies i.e. Johnson and Johnson, Beyer, GlaxoSmithKline along with non-diversified companies such as Merck, Pfizer, Novartis, and Sanofi etc. Along with this, the industry is full of various specialty and small bio-tech companies that are focused on the specific products. Industry analysis: PESTEL Analysis Introduction PESTEL analysis is one of the most effective and popular tool in order to analyze the external market environment of any business. In case of healthcare industry of Malaysia, PESTEL analysis will be helpful in determining the challenges and issues that are impacting the business operations of Home Pharmaceuticals in the country. The analysis basically includes political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors of the company (Hoskisson, 2009). Figure 1: PESTEL analysis In the given figure, the environmental factors of Home Pharmaceuticals are described. There are political, legal economic, social, technological, and environmental factors including critical issues which are affecting the business practices of the company in Malaysian healthcare industry (Luffman Kenny, 2009). Element narrative Based on the described figure, it is observed that there are some issues in the Malaysian healthcare industry which is affecting the business operations of Home Pharmaceuticals. Among the six identified issues, three key issues are selected which impact on the suppliers, competitors and customers of the Company Home Pharmaceuticals. Those issues are political issue, economic issues, and technological issues. Political issue- Low expenditure From the above discussion, it is observed the government of Malaysia is not focusing on expending the money in the pharmaceutical sector. Government does not focus on same level of expenditure on the public healthcare companies as compared to developed countries in the Asia Pacific region like Australia. In Malaysia, only government is funding only 55% of healthcare facilities and patients fund 45% to the industry. It is observed that 60% to 70% of patients are going to the public hospitals. This issue will impact on the customers of the Home pharmaceutical company as the medicine is not listed in the hospitals then they are getting access the new and innovative drugs. In this case, it is important for the company to retain the customers by providing them innovative drugs at the affordable rates. Home Pharmaceuticals need to adopt effective strategic planning in order to retain the patients. For this manner, company must adopt 7-S model which is useful in fulfilling the organizationa l needs in various aspects if required. This includes soft and hard elements of the business (Wheelen Hunger, 2011). Economic issues: Economic crisis Malaysia has to face economic crisis and it has impact on the disposable income of the customers and their purchasing power has decreased. This will impact on the profit of the Home Pharmaceuticals in the country. To deal with this, realization or retrenchment strategy will be effective for the company. This is basically a cost cutting program along with careful thought and analysis. Some departments may need additional funding and some needs drastic cuts. By this strategic implementation, Home Pharmaceuticals can use the fund in the research and development department to generate more innovative medicines for the patients (Dess Lumpkin, 2009). Technological issues: Lack of awareness This issue directly impact on the suppliers and distribution system of the medicines. Due to the lack of technological awareness, the infrastructure of pharmaceutical industry is not so much developed. Sometimes, suppliers are not able to supply the medicines on time. So, there is the need to implement technological systems in order to provide the products on time (Drummond, Ensor Ashford, 2012). Industry Analysis: Porters five forces Introduction Porters five forces analysis is an effective method in order to analyze the competition in the industry. This theory is based on the fact that there are five forces that are helpful in analyzing the competitive intensity and the attractiveness of the industry. The five forces analysis of pharmaceutical industry is helpful in analyzing the market conditions for Home Pharmaceuticals. Figure 2: Porters five forces framework Forces Narrative Based on the analysis of five forces of pharmaceutical industry, it is analyzed that these five forces are affecting the business of Home Pharmaceuticals in the country. The three significant issues are taken for the discussion: Competitive rivalry- Strong Competition The pharmaceutical industry is highly competitive due to the existence of various local and international companies. There are around 230 companies which are registered under Drug Control Authority in Malaysia because there are traditional and modern medicine companies. This is the issue for Home Pharmaceuticals while operating the business as company has to deal with the strong competition due to established pharmaceutical companies. In order to deal with the competition, Home Pharmaceuticals can use Ansoff matrix model so that products can be differentiated for the customers (Healy, 2011). Threats of substitute- Increased Cost The threats of substitute products are high in the pharmaceutical industry as there is the increased cost of medicines by the multinational companies. These factors impact on the bargaining power of the customers as sometimes they are not able to buy those medicines. They switch towards locally produced medicines. Home Pharmaceuticals has to face issues due to the availability of the substitute products. Bargaining power of suppliers-High switching cost The bargaining power of the suppliers in the pharmaceutical industry is high due to high production of cost of drugs and high switching cost. The suppliers have high level of switching cost because of long term investment and cost of technology. Generally, multinational companies are becoming key suppliers of technologies if producing medicines. Suppliers can switch easily on other company so; this is the big issue for Home Pharmaceuticals in the Malaysian Pharmaceutical industry (Keller, Parameswaran Jacob, 2011). Industry analysis: Key Success factors Table 1: Key Success Factors Key success factors Current attainments Future Goals Growth in populace and healthcare segment 585 million of medical device market, Healthcare expenses including 4.75% GDP, 1.2 billion for the pharmaceutical market Medical apparatus will include 25% of healthcare market by 2020, Healthcare expenses of 10% in GDP by 2020, 3.7 billion for pharmaceutical market by 2020 Government Coverage for healthcare sector 55% of public medical expenditure by government Universal healthcare coverage is planned by government by 2020 Trained workforce Trained personnel having low wages structure High income country by 2020 Government incentives Exemptions on inventories and raw material, Tax incentives, Moderate trade and venture policies Objective is to be pharmaceutical center in Asia region by 2020 Medical tourism Sector includes 200 million in 2017, 63% growth in terms of patients by healthcare tourism Expected growth by 80% from healthcare tourism market by 2020 KSF Narrative Increased life expectancy, low morality and high birth rate are the reason of growth in the population and healthcare revenue. It is recorded that in 2015, there was constant growth of 31 million in Malaysia and it is expected to grow in the future. Further, it is estimated that the pharmaceutical industry will grow to 3.7 billion by 2020. The medical device market will grow and create opportunities for Home Pharmaceuticals for the innovation of new medicine and exportation. Another key success factor in the pharmaceutical industry is medical tourism. In 2016, medical tourism has improved by 63% in case of revenue and foreign patients (Sarwar, 2013). This growth is due to government policies for the medical tourism and tax exemptions for the hospitals. Developed infrastructure, low costs structure, and skilled medical practitioners are the factors to attract more global patients in the country (Proudlove Boaden, 2005). Another factor behind success of the industry is the coverage of government for the healthcare sector. In current time, government of Malaysia is covering about 55% of medical cost in the public healthcare. Most of the countries have worldwide health exposure where government takes responsibility complete medical expenditure. Malaysian government is expecting to implement universal health coverage by 2020 under the cooperation of legislature. With the experienced team of Home Pharmaceuticals, company would be able to cover private and public hospital to provide medical equipments and medicines on regular basis (Jansson, 2011). Value of the rational models Home Pharmaceuticals is using the strategies of innovations and proactive with the objective of expanding itself in all over the world. The company is developing by the research and development process in the new and innovative products including health food supplements and bio-medical products. For the strategic planning, there are rational models and strategies used by Home Pharmaceuticals. Home Pharmaceuticals is using Porter generic strategies in order to deal with the above identified issues. To deal with competition in the pharmaceutical industry, Home Pharmaceuticals has used various strategic models. Factors in Porter Generic strategies are as follows: Cost leadership strategy- By this strategy, Home Pharmaceuticals is able to be low cost producer of the high quality drugs in the pharmaceutical industry. The basic objective of using this model is to achieve market by keeping the prices of the products low as compared to the competitors. Another way of using this strategy is to sell the products at average prices to gain high level of profit (Freeman, 2010). Differentiation Strategy- This strategy will work for Home Pharmaceuticals with the phenomena of providing different products to the customers along with the unique features. Because of the unique features in the medicines and drugs, Home Pharmaceuticals will charge premium prices with the consumers so that the customers feel that the products provided by Home Pharmaceuticals is better as compared to other pharmaceutical companies. By this method, Home Pharmaceuticals can cover extra costs included in the manufacturing process of the products based on the unique features. Focus strategy- With this strategy, the objective of generic model is to focus on the small fraction of the large target market. Home Pharmaceuticals will be doing so in order provide innovative healthcare products to the customers. This strategy will be adopted by the company to gain high level of loyalty of the customers and to deal with the threat of substitute products in the market. By this strategy, the success can be achieved by making products with the high level of development and qualities. Home Pharmaceuticals is having strong position in the pharmaceutical market of Malaysia as the company is providing services to the customers for many years. Based on the above identified issues in PESTEL and five forces analysis in the Malaysian healthcare market, it is crucial for the company to adopt generic model and strategies to stay competitive in the market. References AHK, (2012), The Healthcare Sector in Malaysia, accessed on 17th December 2017 from Dess, G., Lumpkin, G., (2009), Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages, (6th), London: McGraw-Hill Education Drummond, G., Ensor, J. Ashford, R. (2012), Strategic Marketing: Planning and Control, (4th), London: Palgrave Macmillan Freeman, R. E., (2010), Strategic management: A stakeholder approach, Cambridge University Press Healy, J., (2011), Improving health care safety and quality: reluctant regulators, (3rd), England: Ashgate Publishing Hoskisson, R. (2009), Business strategy: theory and cases, (6th), UK: John Murray Jansson, H., (2011), International Business Strategy in Emerging Country Markets, (5th), London: Routledge. Keller, K. L., Parameswaran, M. G., Jacob, I. (2011), Strategic brand management: Building, measuring, and managing brand equity, IND: Pearson Education Luffman, G. Kenny, B., (2009), Strategic Management: An Analytical Introduction. (6th), Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Onn, L. P., (2015), What Lies Ahead for Malaysian Healthcare, accessed on 17th December 2017 from Proudlove, C. N. Boaden, R., (2005), Using operational information and information systems to improve in-patient flow in hospitals: Journal of Health Organization and Management, 19(6), pp.466 477 Sarwar, A., (2013), Medical Tourism in Malaysia: Prospect and Challenges: Iran Journal Public Health, 42(8) Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., (2011), Concepts in strategic management and business policy, IND: Pearson Educatio
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Make me ugly, doctor! Review Essay Example
Make me ugly, doctor! Review Paper Essay on Make me ugly, doctor! You invented me. This is not the world. Such the world can not be. (Anna Akhmatova) So I have happened. Such as Ive ever come across It started with the eternal sighs: I am unhappy, because it is very beautiful, So become ugly and you will be happy Then he told the story of a surgeon.. cosmetology, which operated on a huge number of women, but always refused to do that to his wife. She asked him, because I was afraid that in time will grow old, lose their attraction. Born even jealousy, because her husband extended the young actress, speakers and all women monitor their appearance. And he came up with the excuse that she was so sweet, I do not want to spoil this. And he did a photo of his wife after a certain time interval. The result was an album where traced like an old womans favorite. And the more the more expensive it becomes his wife. Yes-ah. Thus was born another definition of love. Love -. Its when two people, man and woman, trying not to notice physical changes in each other We will write a custom essay sample on Make me ugly, doctor! Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Make me ugly, doctor! Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Make me ugly, doctor! Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer So I hid behind the cover of a detective. I am sitting on a shelf in a bookstore and look wide-eyed readers. Do not be put off by the name of the book Make me ugly, doctor! For I, the heroine, falls into such a funny situation. If only I could have imagined! It is not easy to me, but the Scarecrow-sh-sh, but it is interesting! A beautiful, I want to be always-a! Ugly just for the money! And not for the sake of men, how to think, to read my story. Just for the money! Each for them to something capable of! And everyone has their own story. So do me ugly, the doctor, but not for long if I can. Emma Krasnyanskaya. Â «Make me ugly, doctor! Lily and Vseslav Safikanovyh. Make me ugly, doctor! Review Essay Example Make me ugly, doctor! Review Paper Essay on Make me ugly, doctor! There are things that I just do not give rest :))) But I can not calmly accept the comparison of the book, or rather a remark that the authors are followers of Wilde and of course Bunin surprised when my indignation is not clear. Im not trying to prove a good book or bad. I just want to start by the example of books Bunin and Wildes show and again these authors as given Katya comparison inappropriate. Evaluate and compare: Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray thick scent of roses filled the artists studio, and when climbing summer breeze, it, flying through the open door into the garden, brought with him the heady scent of lilacs, the delicate fragrance of red flowers of hawthorn. Coated Persian saddle-cloth sofa on which lay Lord Henry Wotton, smoking, as always, one after the other countless cigarettes, was visible only bush broom its golden and fragrant, honey, flowers, hot blazing sun and trembling branches seemed barely kept the severity of this sparkling splendor; at times o n long silk curtains huge windows flashed strange shadows of birds fly past, creating an instant likeness Japanese figures and then Lord Henry thought about the yellow-faced painters of Tokyo far, sought to convey movement and impulse by means of art, by their nature static. Angry buzzing bees, sneaks into the uncut tall grass or monotonous and persistently circling over gold dust sprinkled curly honeysuckle, seemed to make the silence even more oppressive. Dull noise of London came here as a distant hum of the body. Ivan Bunin Dark Alley in the cold autumn storm on one of the big Tula road, drenched by rain and rugged many black ruts to a long hut, in a communication which was breech post office and other private upper room, where they could relax, stay, dine or ask samovar rolled pelted with mud polupodnyatym carriage riding, the three relatively simple horses tied up on the slush tails. On the box of the carriage sat a sturdy peasant in a tightly belteds coat, serious and temnol iky, with a rare resin beard, like an old robber, and in the carriage slender old man-war in big cap and Nicholas gray overcoat with a beaver-collared, still black-browed, but white mustache, which were connected to the same side whiskers; his chin was probrit and the whole appearance had something similar to the Alexander II, which was so common in the military at the time of his reign; view was also inquiring, rigorous and yet tired. Safikanovy Make me ugly, the doctor Youre crazy! It can not come up with the normal zhenschine.- Arkady put his pudgy hand to his forehead Emma. He always rose from the child did so, when Emma began to rot. And there is no point. Since when do you make the diagnosis as a psychoanalyst, not a plastic surgeon? Emma irritably pushed his hand Arcadia, and beating his desk, sat down in the masters chair -I hope you do not mind?
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