Sunday, May 24, 2020
Humanitarian Assistance For Humanitarian Aid - 1697 Words
These are just some ways that can enhance the conflict simply because the resources is there at no cost to the refugees. One key note to consider when trying to find a solution to this is that human beings rely on interactions and relationship to other people to help them make sense of the world. All of these mechanisms are a consequence of social factors. Therefore, it’s important to look for other responses that allow humanitarian aid to assist the people that need it and protect against escalating the conflict by having their resources support the militant. When militants take advantage of the humanitarian aid supplies, the intentions of the humanitarian aid is being used for something completely different from the values and principles of humanitarian work. Humanitarian aid workers intend to help feed the refugee, not feed the militants that have led to the outset of the crisis (Barber 1997). However, they can’t just categorize and fit everyone into dichotomies with out crossing the neutrality and impartiality guidelines of the agencies. In all honesty, personally, it seems that everyone has biased and have their own expectations of the profession they choose to take and as much as they follow the mission of the profession, they still have their own individual faith and beliefs. Because aid is something that is free to refugees, workers may be frustrated in that they aren’t serving the populations that are innocent victims of the crisis. It’s extremely hard to determineShow MoreRelatedHumanitarian Assistance For Humanitarian Aid Essay1264 Words  | 6 PagesHumanitarian Operations Donny S. Vaiau 16 November 2016 Abstract Humanitarian aid is the â€Å"material and logistic assistance to people in need. It is usually short-term help until the long-term help by government and other institutions replaces it. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Vocabulary Words To Know in The Pearl
Although short, The Pearl by John Steinbeck can be a challenging read. A great way to expand your vocabulary is to read a book with words that you dont know yet. In that way, reading The Pearl can be a helpful exercise. Heres a vocabulary list from John Steinbeck by chapter. Chapter 1 avarice - greedbougainvillea - a type of tropical flowerconsolation - to comfortdetachment - lack of concern or attachmentindigent - poor; impoverishedlymphatic - tissue where white blood cells are producedscandal - shamefululcers - open sores Chapter 2 bulwark - defensive wallestuary - river meets sea tidegloating - prideful; braggingincandescence - giving off lightlateen - sail (triangle)poultice - an herbal application for the purpose of healing or remedytelescopically - slide within one another; like a telescope Chapter 3 almsgiving - giving money to the poorammonia - colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odorconsecrated - sacredcozened - trickery; misleadingdisparagement - insultdissembling - misleadingfurtive - secretivejudicious - to exercise good judgment; sound thinkinglucent - softly bright; radiantprecipitated - hurled; cause to move suddenlysubjugation - forced submission; conquertransfigured - idealize; metamorphosis Chapter 4 appraiser - one who estimates worth or valuecontemptuous - scorn or disdaincountenanced - toleratedcrafty - cleverfreshet - freshwater stream (flowing into the sea)legerdemain - magiclethargy - tired; weaktules - weaving material Chapter 5 edifice - building or structureexhilaration - glad; joyfulleprosy - chronic granulomatous communicable diseaseskirled - a shrill callstifling - smothering; suffocating; to take away breath or restrict Chapter 6 apprehensively - fearfulcleft - splitescarpment - a long, steep slope or cliff; declivityintercession - intervention; protection; mediationmalignant - dangerous; harmful; tumorous; deadlymonolithic - huge; imposingmonotonously - boring; without variationoutcroppings - layers of rockthreshed - beat; whipped
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
For a Better Way of Living Free Essays
The economic article A Better Way’s main thesis is that productivity has paved the way for a better living in today’s world. The article starts off with a general but historical background of how production was in the earlier years and lays down the path of productivity which led to its positive effects in the present. It further points out how a closed-mind towards productivity is actually detrimental for future advancement. We will write a custom essay sample on For a Better Way of Living or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will both discuss the key points of the article and my reaction to the same. The general map and cycle of productivity is this: human beings used to do everything by themselves. The entire body of a person is used from the physical to the mental. There was need for muscle power and agility to be able to work. Then came the inventions that rapidly took over the work that humans used to do. It is at this point that human workers are displaced and had to look for other jobs to do. This general map and cycle is best exemplified in the agrarian sector wherein farmers used to everything in the farm from tilling the soil to planting the crops to harvesting. And yet with the invention of machineries, tools, irrigation, and even the appearance of scientifically altered and advanced seeds, farmers had no place in the farm. And so they had to leave the farms for the city to work in factories and the industrial sector. At this point, another cycle begins. Assembly lines in factories are replaced by machines that can do the job better, faster and more efficiently. There was more output for a shorter span of time when machines are used. Once again, the worker is displaced. Productivity is one cycle that is very much disliked by the average worker. It is the kind of change that is not readily acceptable as its short term effects are negative for the ordinary man. It seems that with the proliferation and rapid emergence of different kinds of technologies, it seems that there is no more need for a human being in the workforce. Industries are no longer satisfied with the physical skills of a person. There is a clamor for the mental capacity of a worker. Anything related to muscle power is no longer enough since there are many machines and even robots that can do the job. Of course, the initial capital output or investment on such advancements are really expensive, compared to just hiring someone to do the job. And yet in the long run, the investment pays off. The article defends productivity in the sense that productivity actually creates more jobs for the workforce. It says that although the initial effect is that workers are displaced, these workers can actually shift to other industries where their talents are needed and will be more helpful. It further provides that there is a hierarchy of talents that productivity can never replace such as imagination and creativity. Although it is a valid point that machines can never be creative or imaginative, it cannot be discounted that creativity and imagination is only available to a limited number of jobs such as the music, literary, and film industry. This then comes to my mind: productivity involves the manual aspect of the workforce. When technology takes over the manual skills of industries, the only thing needed is mental skills. And these mental skills often require a certain amount of schooling and education. Going back to farmers who may not have been able to go to school, or the city children who could not afford to go to college, where will they be found when all the blue-collar jobs are taken over by robots? What will happen when labor becomes immobile? Surely, the idea of more for less will be applauded by business owners and traders and economists. But where will this leave the average Joe? I am not against the arguments of the article. In fact I do admit that productivity definitely has its advantages. For example, although the email has made communications easier, there are still those things that cannot be sent over the internet such as bulky packages. For this, manual labor is still needed. And yet it is easier and faster to receive packages nowadays since there are trucks and airplanes that could bring them to you, instead of a messenger on foot. Life is indeed much better, even if this imaginary messenger of mine had lost his job. I also admit that it is people who are responsible for all these advancements. It is the brightness of the human mind and human nature’s need for progress that brought about all these. And yet I ask, when will the world say, I am satisfied? Living standards may be better now but isn’t anyone afraid that there will come a time that machines will rule our world and people will just be subordinate to them? It may seem like a ridiculous idea but in our day and age where robots are invented as housemaids, it doesn’t sound so crazy after all. The unmeasured payoffs of productivity seem so enticing at first look. But there will come a time when displaced workers have no more industries to go to; when even college graduates cannot find a job because technology does it for them. The question will be: now what? Imagination and creativity can only go so far. When the productivity cycle suddenly stops, when labor can no longer exercise its mobility, when inventions start inventing, it will probably only be mothers who will have a full-time job. After all, technology can never replace the touch and love of a mother. How to cite For a Better Way of Living, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Chief Knowledge Officer
Question: Write an essay on Chief Knowledge Officer and discuss Knowledge integration, Organizational memory, and Content and document management. Answer: Introduction KM (Knowledge Management) is not about setting up another division or allotting titles, for example, the CKO ("Chief Knowledge Officer"). It speaks the truth perceiving that information era, sharing, and application are the elements of survival. The most critical exercises of each worker in each office in each association (Davenport Prusak, 1998). It ought to be clear that organizations must oversee and store information all the more successfully. The upside is that ILM ("Information Lifecycle Management") and DLM ("Data Lifecycle Management") bode well: truth be told, that is the reason it existed in any case. ILM and DLM are the essential for proper corporate administration, but, on the other hand, are a vital piece of good business conduct. These ensure notoriety and oversees hazard, and also advancing a protected, secure exchange environment. These provide worldwide money related business security and solidness and additionally following suspicious clients' development. These increase the value of customers' certainty and with it the game changer. These assistance counteract terrorist government evasion exercises and fits worldwide administrative methodologies ('Data Management Lifecycle and Software Lifecycle Management in the Context of Conducting Science', 2014). Goals and objectives Information as an advantage is essential in giving associations profitable data. Data gets to be informing and data gets to be learning. This essay talks about the contrasts between DLM, ILM, and TLM ("Total Lifecycle Management") in subtle element and looks at the dichotomy finally. In spite of the fact that the standards behind the three ideas remain on a very basic level distinctive, it is all still information. Data administration proposes that an association has done something canny with its information, and learning recommends that some subjective procedure has been connected to that data. From an innovative perspective it is simple just to allude to DLM, thus at first we have to portray the central objectives of DLM and its stage (Golshani, 2004). To make an association's information open: All information ought to be promptly accessible to bolster the organizations to which it is purposed. Accessibility necessities ought not to be prohibitive. To have a versatile configuration and construction modeling: Data constantly changes. Consequently, the procedures, systems and fundamental innovations that oversee it ought to adjust to meet developing information requests. To give operational security to the advantage: The information administration stage combined with its procedure and technique ought to give inspecting, following, and controlling instruments to deal with the information adequately. In particular, it must provide a complete administration framework that manages more noteworthy deceivability into its day by day utilization (Clements, 2003). Analysis KM's essential supposition has been that "significant information exists". One required just to catch, classify, and offer it. Learning and information creation was not viewed as a primary consideration. As prove by Chen's model28 examined in the past segment, the thought of by and mostly held information and gathering figuring out how to nourish "Organizational Memory". The cycle portrays a two-stage modelinformation generation and learning joining. The learning creation stage produces new information through associations among people and gatherings prompting the formal reception of new learning at the authoritative level communicated in certain and procedural standards. The "Knowledge Integration" includes disseminating and sharing new information. Another business procedure may not quickly be graspedgetting a substantial number of laborers to take after new procedures calls for unshakable change by both the specialists and the backer (Hall, 2006). Learning preparing is decisively the cycle alluded to in the first, through which individuals in associations, in light of issues emerging in business forms, altogether take part in information creation and coordination. Learning procedures, in this manner, are social processes through which associations make and share their insight. KM, then again, is an administration action that tries to improve learning preparing. Not all organizations bolster formal KM works, but rather all relationships seem to take part in some information handling. Learning to handle is a party. Individuals in organizations keep an eye on self-compose in a developing manner (Maier, 2007). One of the first things we have to do in considering KM in its second era is to perceive that information has an existence cycle. The KLC ("Knowledge Life Cycle") starts with the recognition of issues by operators in the setting of business preparing. As laborers are occupied with their routine of business, they experience holes in their insight into how to move from the current condition of occasions to some wanted objective. It ideally closes with the decision of recently accepted learning cases, convictions, and inclinations. Learning utilization takes after and happens inside of the connection of business handling. As information is effectively coordinated all through the association, it is communicated as far as subjective and target learning. Individual information is rationally held by people or gatherings while target knowledge is contained in records, PC documents, etc. Amidst learning utilization in business handling new issues emerge and are identified, and the cycle pursu es (Salisbury, 2009). Evaluation Merchants are as of now veering from utilizing the HSM expression and using both DLM and ILM. Despite the fact that the term ILM is laden with disarray and clashing translations from different sellers, merchants are as of now presenting various innovations that will be the beginning stage of the improvement of robotized ILM items. In the most recent couple of years, DLM items have risen. With the increment in recovery necessities through consistency issues and other rising regulations, associations have begun investigating better approaches to reinforcement, store, oversee and track their most discriminating information. It is starting with virtual tape and circle based support. They have likewise introduced to actualize some mostly layered storage abilities, for example, moving stale information from their elite circle clusters to more savvy frameworks or erasing insignificant information through and through (de Souza Barbastefano, 2011). This innovation can list, move and recover information and also demonstrate its credibility on any piece of the structure. Albeit still a manual procedure when setting approaches against business prerequisites, this is the point where ILM gives associations the capacity and mechanical knowledge to actualize all the more intense storage arrangements. A few organizations will use virtualization applications that coherently aggregate numerous exhibits into a solitary, virtual storage pool and host them on developing "keen" storage switches. Manual ILM will give clients an isolated intelligent document framework see that is scattered over different media sorts in numerous areas. ILM will empower organizations to move information smoothly inside of the storage foundation as their developing strategies manage while protecting heads and clients from the hidden multifaceted nature (Chen, Hwang Raghu, 2010). Mechanized ILM will coordinate items that oversee storage, virtualization, and the information itself. Various capacity administration stack viewpoints will be implanted into the foundation. Acceptance capacities will likewise be installed into various storage administration items and be settled in some vertical markets, mainly the money related division. The move from manual ILM to mechanized ILM will require extra advancements keeping in mind the end goal to oversee "data" as "information", instead of overseeing it as "data". The aggregate cost and estimation of a piece or set of information relies on upon each period of its life-cycle, and also to the business and IT situations in which it exists. TLM will robotize the way that associations take a gander at their whole information set. TLM will offer associations the capacity to secure against media outdated nature, legacy information, future equipment changes, and managing all way of assorted versatile resources. Consequently ove rseeing storage expenses and information development are giving reviews without the requirement for manual intercession. Finally, an association needs to do is choose the information strategy, and TLM does the rest (Petrocelli, 2006). Conclusion The KM procedure starts with learning that representatives either conveys to their working environment or have obtained over the span of their work exercises. KM is an approach to better use the potential that dwells inside and outside the company's limits for the achievement and maintainability of the firm. Creating so as to understand the potential the connection and the instruments that encourage information creation and KM are perplexing and hard to oversee. References Chen, A., Hwang, Y., Raghu, T. (2010). Knowledge Life Cycle, Knowledge Inventory, and Knowledge Acquisition Strategies. Decision Sciences, 41(1), 21-47. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5915.2009.00258.x Clements, B. (2003). Lifecycle management. Manufacturing Engineer, 82(6), 48-48. doi:10.1049/me:20030611 Data Management Lifecycle and Software Lifecycle Management in the Context of Conducting Science. (2014). Journal Of Open Research Software, 2(1), e15. doi:10.5334/ Davenport, T., Prusak, L. (1998). Working knowledge. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press. de Souza, C., Barbastefano, R. (2011). Knowledge diffusion and collaboration networks on life cycle assessment. Int J Life Cycle Assess, 16(6), 561-568. doi:10.1007/s11367-011-0290-x Golshani, F. (2004). Multimedia information lifecycle management. IEEE Multimedia, 11(2), 1-1. doi:10.1109/mmul.2004.1289033 Hall, M. (2006). Knowledge management and the limits of knowledge codification. J Of Knowledge Management, 10(3), 117-126. doi:10.1108/13673270610670894 Maier, R. (2007). Knowledge management systems. Berlin: Springer. Petrocelli, T. (2006). Data protection and information lifecycle management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference. Salisbury, M. (2009). A Framework for Managing the Life Cycle of Knowledge in Organizations. International Journal Of Knowledge Management, 5(1), 60-77. doi:10.4018/jkm.2009010105
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