Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Mental Endurance in Endurance Shackletons Incredible Voyage Essay
Mental Endurance in Alfred Lansing's Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage In Endurance Shackleton's Incredible Voyage, Alfred Lansing relates the story of perhaps the best accomplishment of the Twentieth Century. Amusingly, Lansing's point by point record of the 1915 Trans-Antarctic Expedition lights up the distinct reality that Sir Ernest Shackleton's endeavor didn't satisfy its objective. Indeed, the endeavor never at any point set foot upon the mainland that they had expected to cross. The remarkable achievement of that diverse team of globe-trotters was in their capacity to persevere through the brutal Antarctic atmosphere. Regardless of having their boat squashed by an ice top, spending the dim Antarctic winter pitifully alone, enduring a turbulent journey in an open soiled, and lurching indiscriminately over an unknown island, Shackleton and his men continued in their mission to endure. Really, Shackleton set an exceptional case of never surrendering. Despite the fact that it might initially give the idea that Shackleton's most noteworthy steadiness lived in his endurance to persevere through the unforgiving walking and cruising that it took to lead his men back to security, this physical quality was just a little piece of the genuine continuance. No, it was not even in managing the teasing nonattendance of any substitute for tissue that Shackleton showed his continuance, however it was pervasive in his basic demeanor. Perseverance is something other than making the following difficult stride; it is keeping up a conviction that all efforts3/4 whether they are physical or mental3/4 can improve what's to come. This perpetually inspirational demeanor is the very establishment of endurance since when there is a will, a feeling of self-esteem, or a shard of expectation, the body and psyche will discover a way. Furthermore, an inspirational demeanor will unit... ...An actual existence loaded up with affection for people who are equivalent just on the grounds that they are human yields a satisfying life regardless of its trouble. Through accepting that we can clear the following obstacle, people can live respectively in a strong network as opposed to a ruinous band. There is no compelling reason to state that one individual, one race, one country is better than some other one since power mongers and epicureans once in a while prevail throughout everyday life. Through accepting that the objective is accomplishable, people can generally make the following stride towards this improved world. It is unusual how an anecdote about a group in such an unconventional circumstance could be a blue print for the best approach to prevail in life when all is said in done. For the overwhelming objectives just as the immaterial ones, perseverance of the psyche is the key. Works Cited: Lansing, Alfred. Continuance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage.Carroll and Graf: New York, 1986.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Amazon.Com Supply Chain Management Free Essays
Running head: Amazon. com Supply Chain Project Amazon. com Supply Chain Project Jarrel Nightingale JNightingale2@CapellaUniversity. We will compose a custom exposition test on Amazon.Com Supply Chain Management or on the other hand any comparative subject just for you Request Now edu Capella University BUS3004: Supply Chain Management Professor Dr. Robert Goldwasser December 10, 2012 Amazon. com Supply Chain Project Introduction In today’s society, Online Shopping and the business of web based business has gotten well known and standard. Numerous people have incorporated internet shopping into their ordinary everyday practice and have supplanted conventional shopping by and large. Web based shopping has gotten so well known, there has been a shopping occasion called â€Å"Cyber Monday†which is the identical to â€Å"Black Friday. †Traditional physical retail locations are currently compelled to offer their items online so as to stay serious. This is another situation for most organizations to be in, so organizations are compelled to cause the vital acclimations to adjust to the consumers’ requests. Consenting to the requests of innovation has become an issue for a portion of the littler organizations because of the absence of assets and framework to deliver these changes. Among the numerous online retailers that have developed, Amazon. com has separate itself as the business chief in Online E-trade. Since 1994, Amazon. com has assembled an effective realm that has become the default name for when one ponders purchasing anything on the web. Through their recorded achievement, Amazon. com has made the outline for those to follow so as to turn into an effective Online Retailer. In this task, I will talk about Amazon. com as it identifies with their prosperity and the structure of its organization. Plan of action Amazon. com sells books, music, and different things over the Internet and is one of the pioneers of purchaser e-business. Amazon, situated in Seattle, began by taking care of all requests utilizing books bought from a wholesaler because of client orders. This training varies from that of a conventional book shop, which generally buys legitimately from distributers and stocks books fully expecting client orders. In 2008, Amazon had eight stockrooms in the U. S. also, another fifteen in the remainder of the world. Amazon stocks numerous books, however it despite everything gets different titles from merchants or distributers. It utilizes the U. S. Postal Service and other bundle bearers, for example, UPS and FedEx to send books to clients. Amazon has kept on extending the arrangement of items that it sells on the web. Other than books and music, Amazon has included numerous item classes, for example, toys, attire, gadgets, adornments, and shoes. (Chopra, et. Al, 2012) notwithstanding including more items, the technique of Amazon. com is innovation based as it identifies with customer request. Amazon’s gracefully chain is so firmly incorporated that when an online client purchases two or three books and a CD, the request the executives framework speaks with stock and stockroom the board frameworks to locate the ideal circulation place or habitats for satisfying the request. The client knows in under brief to what extent it will take to transport the things and whether they will come in one bundle or independently (Bacheldor, 2004). Worldwide Challenges Unlike most organizations, Amazon. com has situated itself to stay serious in the national and worldwide markets too. Delivery is one of the most principle costs of web based business and transportation universally can be a protracted and costly procedure. As referenced before, Amazon. com has manufactured new distribution centers and changed the business sectors provided by each stockroom as its client base has developed. As of now there are 15 distribution centers altogether; 8 of those are situated in the United States and the other 7 are found universally. Therefore, it has brought down transportation costs and improved responsiveness (Chopra, et. Al, 2012). There is an exchange off in light of the fact that stock and office costs increment as the quantity of offices in the gracefully chain increment; and transportation costs decline as the quantity of offices increment. The usefulness of its innovation is additionally intended to help with lessening costs so transportation costs remain at a point where working all inclusive is as yet feasible. Amazon. com’s gracefully chain the executives applications impart continuously when a request is put and relegates dispatching warehousing and cost dependent on the spot (Bacheldor, 2004). At the point when the normal organization transports universally the reaction time is commonly more than 14 days and the expense to assist takes any potential reserve funds from buying on the web leave. Significance of Aggregate Planning Amazon. com is starting to total other web based business that are connected through key situation and ventures. The vision is to make it so clients don’t need to go somewhere else to shop all the time particularly on the web (Scally, 2000). The notoriety it has is solid to such an extent that any relationship with Amazon. com makes an impression of legitimacy and accomplishment for anybody that decides to join forces with them. Amazon has one of the most-modern flexibly chain frameworks on the planet, and it was totally worked without any preparation. Custom made applications handle almost every part of its gracefully chain: distribution center administration, transportation the board, inbound and outbound delivery, request figures, stock arranging, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Over the most recent four years, Amazon has attempted to limit the requirement for human intercession in its flexibly chain forms, for example, physically contributing deals estimates into a stock administration framework (Bacheldor, 2004). Today, Amazon’s gracefully chain applications convey continuously, an irregularity when most organizations need to coordinate an assortment of programming apparatuses and manual procedures, for example, telephone and fax orders. At last, the objective is to attempt to â€Å"touch†each sort of exchange on the web managing web based business and to incorporate with colleagues to improve the internet shopping experience (Scally, 2000). Numerous customary physical stores are affiliating themselves with Amazon so as to increase online nearness and sell its product on the web. This is a common advantage as it permits Amazon to keep on differentiating its items. Job of Demand Forecasting and Pricing Promotions To accomplish key fit, a firm should tailor its flexibly chain to best address the issues of various client portions. To hold key fit, gracefully chain system must be balanced over the existence pattern of an item and as the serious scene changes. Future dangers, vulnerabilities, and natural concerns must be represented when firms plan their gracefully chain system. Clients requesting a book at Amazon. com are eager to stand by longer than the individuals who drive to a close by Borders store to get a similar book. Interestingly, clients can locate an a lot bigger assortment of books at Amazon contrasted with the Borders store. Consequently, Amazon clients exchange off quick reaction times for elevated levels of assortment (Chopra, et. Al, 2012). Amazon offers its clients an enormous menu of costs for items that are bought from the organization. For instance, an individual buying two books worth $30 could utilize standard delivery (sends in 3â€5 business days) at an expense of $4. 98, two-day dispatching (sends in 2 business days) at an expense of $13. 97, one-day delivering (dispatches in 1 business day) at an expense of $22. 97 or utilize free delivery (transports in 7â€14 business days). The estimating menu permits Amazon to draw in clients with changing degrees of wanted responsiveness (Chopra, et. Al, 2012). While clients paying for one-day delivering force a high level of vulnerability on Amazon, clients settling on free transportation can be utilized to level out the outstanding task at hand at the stockroom after some time. Amazon would thus be able to utilize its estimating to give responsiveness to the individuals who esteem it while utilizing clients who need a low cost to assist it with improving its effectiveness. Amazon additionally utilizes estimating successfully to move a portion of the Christmas top to November, by offering free or limited transportation. The markdown moves a portion of the December request forward, permitting it to decrease its December top and improve its productivity without abandoning responsiveness for those clients who would prefer not to arrange prior. End Since 1994, Amazon. com has manufactured a fruitful realm that has become the default name for when one contemplates purchasing anything on the web. Through their archived achievement, Amazon. com has made the plan for those to follow so as to turn into an effective Online Retailer. By offering a tremendous assortment of items, Amazon has changed the manner in which numerous purchasers look for our product. Notwithstanding more choices, the costs are periodically less expensive despite the fact that the product requested is constantly delivered from an alternate area. What Amazon began in 1994 has now been upset as Amazon keeps on discovering approaches to better the product, the innovation in question, and most significant the client experience. References Anonymous. 1998. IceGroup Releases Amazon. com Analysis . PR Newswire, Retrieved from www. lexisnexis. com/hottopics/lnacademic Bacheldor, B. (2004). FROM SCRATCH: Amazon keeps flexibly tie near and dear. InformationWeek, (979), 40-40. Recovered from http://search. proquest. com/docview/229180916? accountid=27965 Chopra, Sunil, Meindl, Peter. (05/2012). Flexibly Chain Management, 4/e for Capella University, fourth Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions. Scally, R. (2000). Amazon. com: The power that’s adjusting e-tail, each classification in turn. DSN Retailing Today, 39(9), 42-44+. Recovered from http://search. proquest. com/docview/228466615? accountid=27965 Willis, C. (1998, Apr 06). Does amazon. com truly matter? Forbes, , 55-58. Recovered from http://search. proquest. com/docview/195047045? accountid=27965 The most effective method to refer to Amazon.Com Supply Chain Management, Papers
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Can Hypnosis Unlock Memories of Childhood Abuse
Can Hypnosis Unlock Memories of Childhood Abuse Relationships Violence and Abuse Print Using Hypnosis for Repressed Childhood Abuse Memories By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on October 14, 2019 GARO/PHANIE / Getty Images More in Relationships Violence and Abuse Spouses & Partners LGBTQ Many people who have emotional difficulties, including addictions, in adulthood wonder whether the cause was abuse in their childhood that they have forgotten or repressed. In particular, many wonder about the possibility of sexual abuse having occurred, but been blocked out. They may have memories that are incomplete but feel uncomfortable, particularly when recalled with an adult perspective. Not being able to clearly remember, particularly when there are hints that something may have happened, can be frustrating, and people can become quite distracted with speculating what may or may not have happened to them, and asking themselves the question, was I sexually abused? Hypnosis can seem like a way to unlock these memories and settle the matter once and for all. Unfortunately, the reality is not that simple. Memory and Dissociation It is true that some people who were abused as children forget or dissociate from the experience,?? and dont recall the abuse in adulthood. This is thought to be a protective processâ€"by forgetting the traumatic event, it is shut out of consciousness, allowing the child, and later the adult, to cope with current problems without being overwhelmed with unpleasant memories. For others, troubling memories may occur on an ongoing basis, and both disassociation and intrusive memories are features of post-traumatic stress disorder.?? Spontaneous Recall of Abuse It is also true that some people later recall memories of abuse.?? This recall can occur in the context of some kind of therapy or change in physical or emotional state, including hypnosis. However, recall of abuse can happen without any particular therapeutic intervention. At times, people who spontaneously recover memories of abuse are able to verify what happened to them, which can lead to a sense of relief and self-understanding. At other times, the memories are not clear and are difficult to interpret. Seeking verifying evidence can also be impossible, fruitless, or can result in further difficulties with other family members. Memory and Hypnosis Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness in which memories can sometimes be more easily accessed.?? However, it is also a state in which the mind is open to fantasy and imagination. It is virtually impossible to tell whether recall of an incident of childhood abuse is a memory of a real event, or a fantasy. Many people, both clients and therapists, believe that memory works like a video camera, recording everything that happens to us. They may also believe that forgotten or repressed memories can be unlocked by a technique such as hypnosis. In fact, many hypnotherapists go further and believe that people can recall past lives under hypnosis.?? These beliefs are not supported by scientific fact. The nature of memory as a process of reconstruction is now well established. The mind is not like a video camera, it is more like a scrapbook, whereby memories are created by combining pieces of sensory experience with interpretation and fantasy. Under hypnosis, people are particularly open to suggestion.?? In fact, this is the basis of how hypnosis works. A hypnotherapist who believes in the video recorder model of memory, particularly if they suspect their client has been abused, may inadvertently suggest memories of abuse to someone under hypnosis, that can seem like real memories to the client. This is not to say that anyone who recalls childhood abuse in adulthood is imagining it, whether or not the recall occurs under hypnosis. Neither is it to say that hypnotherapists deliberately feed their clients false memories of abuse. What it does say is that hypnosis is not a reliable method of determining whether or not you were abused in childhood if you do not remember now. How Hypnosis Can Help Survivors of Childhood Abuse Despite the unsuitability of hypnosis for personal detective work, hypnotherapy is very effective in helping people who were sexually abused to overcome their symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder.?? Hypnotherapy is particularly useful in helping survivors to restructure their actual memories of abuse to give them a greater sense of control, and in addressing painful feelings such as self-blame. Hypnosis is most powerful when focused on creating positive changes to thoughts, feelings, and behaviors for the future.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Humanitarian Assistance For Humanitarian Aid - 1697 Words
These are just some ways that can enhance the conflict simply because the resources is there at no cost to the refugees. One key note to consider when trying to find a solution to this is that human beings rely on interactions and relationship to other people to help them make sense of the world. All of these mechanisms are a consequence of social factors. Therefore, it’s important to look for other responses that allow humanitarian aid to assist the people that need it and protect against escalating the conflict by having their resources support the militant. When militants take advantage of the humanitarian aid supplies, the intentions of the humanitarian aid is being used for something completely different from the values and principles of humanitarian work. Humanitarian aid workers intend to help feed the refugee, not feed the militants that have led to the outset of the crisis (Barber 1997). However, they can’t just categorize and fit everyone into dichotomies with out crossing the neutrality and impartiality guidelines of the agencies. In all honesty, personally, it seems that everyone has biased and have their own expectations of the profession they choose to take and as much as they follow the mission of the profession, they still have their own individual faith and beliefs. Because aid is something that is free to refugees, workers may be frustrated in that they aren’t serving the populations that are innocent victims of the crisis. It’s extremely hard to determineShow MoreRelatedHumanitarian Assistance For Humanitarian Aid Essay1264 Words  | 6 PagesHumanitarian Operations Donny S. Vaiau 16 November 2016 Abstract Humanitarian aid is the â€Å"material and logistic assistance to people in need. It is usually short-term help until the long-term help by government and other institutions replaces it. 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Krause mai nly focuses on how organizations make decisions about how to allocate resourcesRead MoreArgument Against Military Intervention For Humanitarian Relief1693 Words  | 7 PagesMILITARY INTERVENTION FOR HUMANITARIAN RELIEF An understanding of where the Syrian healthcare system stood before the civil war, the toll of the fighting and intentional targeting of medical personnel/infrastructure, ongoing humanitarian efforts, and America’s actions to date enable an informed evaluation of whether or not to use American military forces in a humanitarian assistance role in Syria. This context allows for an examination of the limitations of humanitarian aid, the advantages/disadvantagesRead MoreInternational Relations And Forced Migration1618 Words  | 7 Pagessecurity threat refugees may impose on states and/or individuals. 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Specifically if the water crisis in Yemen is not addressed it will destabilize the country causingRead MoreSouth Syrian City Of Deraa Devolved Into A Full Blown Civil Conflict1211 Words  | 5 Pagescurrent concern about the humanitarian crisis is whether the aid is reaching refugees or being diverted in ways that bolster a prolonged civil war. For this essay’s purpose, aid is defined as â€Å"aid and action designed to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain and protect human dignity during and in the aftermath of man-made crises and natural disasters, as well as to prevent and strengthen preparedness for the occurrence of such situations.†Although the current aid set-up is intended to coverRead MoreActors in the Humanitarian Community683 Words  | 3 Pageswhen dealing with humanitarian aids after a disaster,whether man-made or of natural cause. It is then of utmost importance that all the actors in the humanitarian community knows their roles and get their acts together harmoniously. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Vocabulary Words To Know in The Pearl
Although short, The Pearl by John Steinbeck can be a challenging read. A great way to expand your vocabulary is to read a book with words that you dont know yet. In that way, reading The Pearl can be a helpful exercise. Heres a vocabulary list from John Steinbeck by chapter. Chapter 1 avarice - greedbougainvillea - a type of tropical flowerconsolation - to comfortdetachment - lack of concern or attachmentindigent - poor; impoverishedlymphatic - tissue where white blood cells are producedscandal - shamefululcers - open sores Chapter 2 bulwark - defensive wallestuary - river meets sea tidegloating - prideful; braggingincandescence - giving off lightlateen - sail (triangle)poultice - an herbal application for the purpose of healing or remedytelescopically - slide within one another; like a telescope Chapter 3 almsgiving - giving money to the poorammonia - colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odorconsecrated - sacredcozened - trickery; misleadingdisparagement - insultdissembling - misleadingfurtive - secretivejudicious - to exercise good judgment; sound thinkinglucent - softly bright; radiantprecipitated - hurled; cause to move suddenlysubjugation - forced submission; conquertransfigured - idealize; metamorphosis Chapter 4 appraiser - one who estimates worth or valuecontemptuous - scorn or disdaincountenanced - toleratedcrafty - cleverfreshet - freshwater stream (flowing into the sea)legerdemain - magiclethargy - tired; weaktules - weaving material Chapter 5 edifice - building or structureexhilaration - glad; joyfulleprosy - chronic granulomatous communicable diseaseskirled - a shrill callstifling - smothering; suffocating; to take away breath or restrict Chapter 6 apprehensively - fearfulcleft - splitescarpment - a long, steep slope or cliff; declivityintercession - intervention; protection; mediationmalignant - dangerous; harmful; tumorous; deadlymonolithic - huge; imposingmonotonously - boring; without variationoutcroppings - layers of rockthreshed - beat; whipped
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
For a Better Way of Living Free Essays
The economic article A Better Way’s main thesis is that productivity has paved the way for a better living in today’s world. The article starts off with a general but historical background of how production was in the earlier years and lays down the path of productivity which led to its positive effects in the present. It further points out how a closed-mind towards productivity is actually detrimental for future advancement. We will write a custom essay sample on For a Better Way of Living or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will both discuss the key points of the article and my reaction to the same. The general map and cycle of productivity is this: human beings used to do everything by themselves. The entire body of a person is used from the physical to the mental. There was need for muscle power and agility to be able to work. Then came the inventions that rapidly took over the work that humans used to do. It is at this point that human workers are displaced and had to look for other jobs to do. This general map and cycle is best exemplified in the agrarian sector wherein farmers used to everything in the farm from tilling the soil to planting the crops to harvesting. And yet with the invention of machineries, tools, irrigation, and even the appearance of scientifically altered and advanced seeds, farmers had no place in the farm. And so they had to leave the farms for the city to work in factories and the industrial sector. At this point, another cycle begins. Assembly lines in factories are replaced by machines that can do the job better, faster and more efficiently. There was more output for a shorter span of time when machines are used. Once again, the worker is displaced. Productivity is one cycle that is very much disliked by the average worker. It is the kind of change that is not readily acceptable as its short term effects are negative for the ordinary man. It seems that with the proliferation and rapid emergence of different kinds of technologies, it seems that there is no more need for a human being in the workforce. Industries are no longer satisfied with the physical skills of a person. There is a clamor for the mental capacity of a worker. Anything related to muscle power is no longer enough since there are many machines and even robots that can do the job. Of course, the initial capital output or investment on such advancements are really expensive, compared to just hiring someone to do the job. And yet in the long run, the investment pays off. The article defends productivity in the sense that productivity actually creates more jobs for the workforce. It says that although the initial effect is that workers are displaced, these workers can actually shift to other industries where their talents are needed and will be more helpful. It further provides that there is a hierarchy of talents that productivity can never replace such as imagination and creativity. Although it is a valid point that machines can never be creative or imaginative, it cannot be discounted that creativity and imagination is only available to a limited number of jobs such as the music, literary, and film industry. This then comes to my mind: productivity involves the manual aspect of the workforce. When technology takes over the manual skills of industries, the only thing needed is mental skills. And these mental skills often require a certain amount of schooling and education. Going back to farmers who may not have been able to go to school, or the city children who could not afford to go to college, where will they be found when all the blue-collar jobs are taken over by robots? What will happen when labor becomes immobile? Surely, the idea of more for less will be applauded by business owners and traders and economists. But where will this leave the average Joe? I am not against the arguments of the article. In fact I do admit that productivity definitely has its advantages. For example, although the email has made communications easier, there are still those things that cannot be sent over the internet such as bulky packages. For this, manual labor is still needed. And yet it is easier and faster to receive packages nowadays since there are trucks and airplanes that could bring them to you, instead of a messenger on foot. Life is indeed much better, even if this imaginary messenger of mine had lost his job. I also admit that it is people who are responsible for all these advancements. It is the brightness of the human mind and human nature’s need for progress that brought about all these. And yet I ask, when will the world say, I am satisfied? Living standards may be better now but isn’t anyone afraid that there will come a time that machines will rule our world and people will just be subordinate to them? It may seem like a ridiculous idea but in our day and age where robots are invented as housemaids, it doesn’t sound so crazy after all. The unmeasured payoffs of productivity seem so enticing at first look. But there will come a time when displaced workers have no more industries to go to; when even college graduates cannot find a job because technology does it for them. The question will be: now what? Imagination and creativity can only go so far. When the productivity cycle suddenly stops, when labor can no longer exercise its mobility, when inventions start inventing, it will probably only be mothers who will have a full-time job. After all, technology can never replace the touch and love of a mother. How to cite For a Better Way of Living, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Chief Knowledge Officer
Question: Write an essay on Chief Knowledge Officer and discuss Knowledge integration, Organizational memory, and Content and document management. Answer: Introduction KM (Knowledge Management) is not about setting up another division or allotting titles, for example, the CKO ("Chief Knowledge Officer"). It speaks the truth perceiving that information era, sharing, and application are the elements of survival. The most critical exercises of each worker in each office in each association (Davenport Prusak, 1998). It ought to be clear that organizations must oversee and store information all the more successfully. The upside is that ILM ("Information Lifecycle Management") and DLM ("Data Lifecycle Management") bode well: truth be told, that is the reason it existed in any case. ILM and DLM are the essential for proper corporate administration, but, on the other hand, are a vital piece of good business conduct. These ensure notoriety and oversees hazard, and also advancing a protected, secure exchange environment. These provide worldwide money related business security and solidness and additionally following suspicious clients' development. These increase the value of customers' certainty and with it the game changer. These assistance counteract terrorist government evasion exercises and fits worldwide administrative methodologies ('Data Management Lifecycle and Software Lifecycle Management in the Context of Conducting Science', 2014). Goals and objectives Information as an advantage is essential in giving associations profitable data. Data gets to be informing and data gets to be learning. This essay talks about the contrasts between DLM, ILM, and TLM ("Total Lifecycle Management") in subtle element and looks at the dichotomy finally. In spite of the fact that the standards behind the three ideas remain on a very basic level distinctive, it is all still information. Data administration proposes that an association has done something canny with its information, and learning recommends that some subjective procedure has been connected to that data. From an innovative perspective it is simple just to allude to DLM, thus at first we have to portray the central objectives of DLM and its stage (Golshani, 2004). To make an association's information open: All information ought to be promptly accessible to bolster the organizations to which it is purposed. Accessibility necessities ought not to be prohibitive. To have a versatile configuration and construction modeling: Data constantly changes. Consequently, the procedures, systems and fundamental innovations that oversee it ought to adjust to meet developing information requests. To give operational security to the advantage: The information administration stage combined with its procedure and technique ought to give inspecting, following, and controlling instruments to deal with the information adequately. In particular, it must provide a complete administration framework that manages more noteworthy deceivability into its day by day utilization (Clements, 2003). Analysis KM's essential supposition has been that "significant information exists". One required just to catch, classify, and offer it. Learning and information creation was not viewed as a primary consideration. As prove by Chen's model28 examined in the past segment, the thought of by and mostly held information and gathering figuring out how to nourish "Organizational Memory". The cycle portrays a two-stage modelinformation generation and learning joining. The learning creation stage produces new information through associations among people and gatherings prompting the formal reception of new learning at the authoritative level communicated in certain and procedural standards. The "Knowledge Integration" includes disseminating and sharing new information. Another business procedure may not quickly be graspedgetting a substantial number of laborers to take after new procedures calls for unshakable change by both the specialists and the backer (Hall, 2006). Learning preparing is decisively the cycle alluded to in the first, through which individuals in associations, in light of issues emerging in business forms, altogether take part in information creation and coordination. Learning procedures, in this manner, are social processes through which associations make and share their insight. KM, then again, is an administration action that tries to improve learning preparing. Not all organizations bolster formal KM works, but rather all relationships seem to take part in some information handling. Learning to handle is a party. Individuals in organizations keep an eye on self-compose in a developing manner (Maier, 2007). One of the first things we have to do in considering KM in its second era is to perceive that information has an existence cycle. The KLC ("Knowledge Life Cycle") starts with the recognition of issues by operators in the setting of business preparing. As laborers are occupied with their routine of business, they experience holes in their insight into how to move from the current condition of occasions to some wanted objective. It ideally closes with the decision of recently accepted learning cases, convictions, and inclinations. Learning utilization takes after and happens inside of the connection of business handling. As information is effectively coordinated all through the association, it is communicated as far as subjective and target learning. Individual information is rationally held by people or gatherings while target knowledge is contained in records, PC documents, etc. Amidst learning utilization in business handling new issues emerge and are identified, and the cycle pursu es (Salisbury, 2009). Evaluation Merchants are as of now veering from utilizing the HSM expression and using both DLM and ILM. Despite the fact that the term ILM is laden with disarray and clashing translations from different sellers, merchants are as of now presenting various innovations that will be the beginning stage of the improvement of robotized ILM items. In the most recent couple of years, DLM items have risen. With the increment in recovery necessities through consistency issues and other rising regulations, associations have begun investigating better approaches to reinforcement, store, oversee and track their most discriminating information. It is starting with virtual tape and circle based support. They have likewise introduced to actualize some mostly layered storage abilities, for example, moving stale information from their elite circle clusters to more savvy frameworks or erasing insignificant information through and through (de Souza Barbastefano, 2011). This innovation can list, move and recover information and also demonstrate its credibility on any piece of the structure. Albeit still a manual procedure when setting approaches against business prerequisites, this is the point where ILM gives associations the capacity and mechanical knowledge to actualize all the more intense storage arrangements. A few organizations will use virtualization applications that coherently aggregate numerous exhibits into a solitary, virtual storage pool and host them on developing "keen" storage switches. Manual ILM will give clients an isolated intelligent document framework see that is scattered over different media sorts in numerous areas. ILM will empower organizations to move information smoothly inside of the storage foundation as their developing strategies manage while protecting heads and clients from the hidden multifaceted nature (Chen, Hwang Raghu, 2010). Mechanized ILM will coordinate items that oversee storage, virtualization, and the information itself. Various capacity administration stack viewpoints will be implanted into the foundation. Acceptance capacities will likewise be installed into various storage administration items and be settled in some vertical markets, mainly the money related division. The move from manual ILM to mechanized ILM will require extra advancements keeping in mind the end goal to oversee "data" as "information", instead of overseeing it as "data". The aggregate cost and estimation of a piece or set of information relies on upon each period of its life-cycle, and also to the business and IT situations in which it exists. TLM will robotize the way that associations take a gander at their whole information set. TLM will offer associations the capacity to secure against media outdated nature, legacy information, future equipment changes, and managing all way of assorted versatile resources. Consequently ove rseeing storage expenses and information development are giving reviews without the requirement for manual intercession. Finally, an association needs to do is choose the information strategy, and TLM does the rest (Petrocelli, 2006). Conclusion The KM procedure starts with learning that representatives either conveys to their working environment or have obtained over the span of their work exercises. KM is an approach to better use the potential that dwells inside and outside the company's limits for the achievement and maintainability of the firm. Creating so as to understand the potential the connection and the instruments that encourage information creation and KM are perplexing and hard to oversee. References Chen, A., Hwang, Y., Raghu, T. (2010). Knowledge Life Cycle, Knowledge Inventory, and Knowledge Acquisition Strategies. Decision Sciences, 41(1), 21-47. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5915.2009.00258.x Clements, B. (2003). Lifecycle management. Manufacturing Engineer, 82(6), 48-48. doi:10.1049/me:20030611 Data Management Lifecycle and Software Lifecycle Management in the Context of Conducting Science. (2014). Journal Of Open Research Software, 2(1), e15. doi:10.5334/ Davenport, T., Prusak, L. (1998). Working knowledge. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press. de Souza, C., Barbastefano, R. (2011). Knowledge diffusion and collaboration networks on life cycle assessment. Int J Life Cycle Assess, 16(6), 561-568. doi:10.1007/s11367-011-0290-x Golshani, F. (2004). Multimedia information lifecycle management. IEEE Multimedia, 11(2), 1-1. doi:10.1109/mmul.2004.1289033 Hall, M. (2006). Knowledge management and the limits of knowledge codification. J Of Knowledge Management, 10(3), 117-126. doi:10.1108/13673270610670894 Maier, R. (2007). Knowledge management systems. Berlin: Springer. Petrocelli, T. (2006). Data protection and information lifecycle management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference. Salisbury, M. (2009). A Framework for Managing the Life Cycle of Knowledge in Organizations. International Journal Of Knowledge Management, 5(1), 60-77. doi:10.4018/jkm.2009010105
Saturday, March 28, 2020
The Relationship between the European Union and the United States
Introduction The European Union is generally a group of European countries, and/or nations that work together in the quest of improving the lives of their respective citizens and build a better world1. Cooper describes the EU as not a federation like the United States or other federations in the world; neither is it a state replacing already existing states, nor an organization for co-operations between governments, just like the United Nations2.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on The Relationship between the European Union and the United States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Over the last decade, EU’s success has been owed a lot to the unique way in which it generally works. It is unique because the member countries that form the EU have exclusively remained independent sovereign countries who, however, agree to pool their diverging sovereignties to gain strengths and global influences that none of them could have on their own3. This paper tries to discern the relationship that exists between the EU and the United States. It will focus on the political, economic and foreign relation that exists between the two. The historic relationship that exists between the United States and the EU is a very unique and crucial relationship. Both the EU and the U.S. have a deep sense of widely shared values and a strong belief in democracy as a way of governance, adherence to principles of the rule of law, respect for human rights and the market economy. Most of these values are fundamentally entrenched in governance practices of both the EU and the US. Moreover, deep ties between the two are not only evident in the political and economic spheres, but also in issues such as promoting the use of clean energy, combating climate change, aiding the developing world in dealing with poverty and terrorism among many other issues. The EU and the U.S. have also been at the forefront of ensuring a ccess of adequate healthcare with key investments by the two in fighting the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS. These are but some of the main areas that the EU and the United States have shown deep co-operation over the last half of the last century to date. Arguably, it is suffice to say that the United States and the EU are close allies. As has been stated above, their relationship goes beyond mere economic and political ties. Over the last century to date, the EU and the U.S. have increasingly been seen to be sharing the opportunities and responsibilities facing global leadership4.Advertising Looking for critical writing on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Through co-operation, the EU and the U.S. have indeed been playing an important role in promoting global norms that helped bring to an end of such things as the Cold War that consequently encouraged practices that were geared towards global market integration and democratization. However, just like any relationship between two partners, various differences do exists between the EU and the U.S. Cooper points out some of the differing positions between the two partners such as on the issues of the legality of the death penalty and certain trade agreements. Political Relations Political relations between the US and EU are hard to discern. They vary from one member country to another in the EU. This is because; member countries of the European Union do maintain their independent sovereignty even though they are still members of the EU. For instance, the US-French relations are stronger today in the Obama administration than in the past. This is a trend that can be witnessed all over the European Union mainly because the United States is spending much more time to focus on strengthening relationships in the region unlike during past administrations5. Economic Relations According to Cooper, the economic relationship b etween the European Union and the United States is currently the largest is the world6. These is majorly because the current economic relationship between the EU and the U.S has gradually been evolving since the World War II, when the European Community just comprised 6 countries to the present day 27 member European Union. The EU member countries and the U.S. are said to have roughly equivalent levels of economic development. Undoubtedly, they are among the most highly advanced regions in the world. Together, they produce the world’s wealthiest nations, and consequently produce the world’s most educated populations. Furthermore, these two partners, with a few exceptions in the EU, produce major technological advancements in the world annually. All this makes trade trends have a deep nexus since the EU and the U.S. find themselves trading in similar products and services. This further connects the relation between the industries in the two regions.Advertising We w ill write a custom critical writing sample on The Relationship between the European Union and the United States specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cooper further suggests that the EU and U.S. economic relationship has dominated the world economy virtually due to the sheer size of the combined economies7. He further notes that a combined population of the U.S. and the EU is close to 800 million people who are generating a combined GDP that is equivalent to 40% of the world’s GDP in 2010. Basically, what this means is that the EU –U.S. economic relationship has EU –U.S. economic relationship has a ‘clout’ over all other global economic ties. The EU as a single unit is reported to be the largest trading partner of the United States in merchandise8. For instance, in 2010, the EU accounted for 18.7% of total U.S. exports and 15.4% of total U.S. imports9. The United States is again the major and largest non-E U trading partner of the whole European Union10. Chief among the top U.S. exports to the EU are aircrafts, computers and their accessories. On the other hand, the EU mostly exports cars, machineries such as gas turbines and organic chemicals among many other products to the United States. The EU is also the largest trading partner when it comes to trade in services. Foreign trade and investment statistics that have been produced over the past century have indicated a stronger and interdependent EU-U.S. economic relationship. This relationship will further grow in its significance especially due to advancements in the global technology sectors and other forces affecting globalisation. As more and more countries are joining the European Union, the United States is also finding itself adding its list of trading partners since more trading barriers are being eradicated due to membership of these countries to the EU11. Foreign Policy Relations Close relations between the EU and the Unite d States have formed a vital component of the foreign relation’s policies of both partners. They have consequently played a key role in how global developments have been shaped over past years. Furthermore, the election of President Obama and the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty have further created a vital window of opportunity for both partners as far as foreign policy relations are concerned12. Unlike in the Bush administration, what is different under the Obama presidency is that he captured a big popularity in Europe that were critical in the healing of divisions in relations that were as a result of the Iraq war. Moreover, through the creation of the European Council President and the new High Representative for External Affairs offices in the EU, there is seen a move by the EU beyond mere institutional belief to actual foreign policy identity.Advertising Looking for critical writing on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When President Obama was elected as the president of the United States in 2008, his first main duty in re-shaping America’s foreign policy was to restore a multilateral approach in the way the U.S. solved international problems. Partnership and co-operation was his main emphasis to nations that wanted to protect world security and advancements in humanity13. The EU had always argued over the years of the Bush administration that through global governance, then world would find it possible to get solutions that would effectively deal with global challenges. Therefore, the Obama administration was from the beginning seen as have a close agenda to the perspectives that the EU believed in as far as foreign relation is concerned. Personal Relationship between the U.S. and the UK President George W. Bush Snr. once referred the special personal relationship between the UK and the US as the rock upon which dictators of the last century fell14. By this reference, he was trying to show the importance that the personal relationship that the UK and U.S. had in dealing with communism and fascism that had rocked the 20th century. This just shows one of the many aspects that the two nations have heard a personal and very close relationship at the envy of many other nations. For instance, the sharing of the common law tradition is one of the historical pillars that keep the two nations close to each other. Trade is the other factor that really cements this personal relationship. Both the U.S. and the UK are very great and old trading partners. Alcaro and Alessandri additionally state that both countries have major investments in each other’s economies than any other country in the world, and they are further reported to be leading in cross-border mergers and acquisitions15. Another area that has made their relationship more personal is the unique diplomatic and security partnership that the two nations have formed. Ever since World War II, the U.S. and the UK ha ve displayed a deep collaboration in each other’s defence and national security fields. However, in the recent past, many British officials who are involved in UK’s defence and foreign relations have taken a relaxed position on whether the UK can play a leading role in European defence16. In the early 2000s, most of these officials would argue that the UK would still work on its defence and foreign policies at the same time benefiting from access to U.S. intelligence while continuing like any other EU member country in adhering to the European Common Foreign and Security Policy stipulations17. Other EU member countries were convinced that if Europe was to become a good player in foreign and defence policies, then the UK would have to cut its close ties with the U.S. if she wanted to be a leading player in EU’s defence policy. This had undoubtedly placed the UK at a very awkward position especially after the Iraq invasion by the United States in May 2003. At this time, EU member countries that were not at good terms with the U.S. found themselves colliding with the UK who also a played a big part of the Iraq invasion. UK’s image and influence was majorly dented since it was believed that Britain’s influence in global affairs was dependent on the U.S. Russia’s role in the EU-US Relation Just after the Cold War, both the US and Western European leaders made an agreement that it was good for Russia to be integrated into the newly emerging world order18. This decision was made on the assumption that the costs incurred in sidelining and isolating Russia were going to be higher than those of allowing here in the new order. Alcaro and Alessandri further add that Russia was desperate at that time and saw an engagement with the west as a viable option if it was to play a significant part in the new era19. Unfortunately, Russia’s relationship with the western world between the 1990s to the 2000s became more hard and diffic ult. Russia does not mainly share the close values that the EU and the United States do share. This makes it more isolated from the economic and political benefits that these two partners enjoy. This is especially detested by post Balkan countries which are either in the European Union or are in the process of joining the union. Most of them would demand a change of governance of Russian affairs so as to create a good trading atmosphere between the U.S.-EU relations. Russia also seems to have a lack of choice in the type of allies and partners which limits it from fruitful EU-U.S. relations20 References Alcaro, R. Alessandri, E. 2009, ‘Re-setting US-EU-Russia Relations: Moving beyond Rhetoric’, Document IAI 09, vol.12, no.32, pp.13-48. Web. Cooper , W. 2011, ‘EU-U.S. Economic Ties: Framework, Scope, and Magnitude. CRS Report for Congress’, Congressional Research service, 7-5700. Web. European Commission 2010, ‘Mapping the Future of the EU-US Partners hip: Policy and Research Perspectives’, A Synthetic Overview of the Proceedings. Web. European Union Institute for Security Studies 2009, ‘European Perspectives on the new American Foreign Policy Agenda’, The EU and the World in 2009, Report No.4. Web. European Commission 2007, ‘How the European Union Works: Your Guide to the EU Institutions’, Directorate General for Communication Publications, B-1049 Brussels. Web. Grant, P., 2000, Democracy in America, United States: Hackett. Rothkopf, D. 2011, ‘The Special Relationship between the EU and the United States’, The Independent, Web. U.S. Census Bureau News 2011, ‘U.S. Goods Trade: Imports and Exports by Related-Parties 2011’,, Web. Footnotes 1 European Commission, How the European Union Works, 3 2 Cooper, EU-U.S. Economic Ties: Framework, Scope, and Magnitude, 5 3 European Commission, How the European Union Works, 3 4 Ibid. 5 Rothkopf, The Special Relationship betw een the EU and the United States, 18 6 Cooper , EU-U.S. Economic Ties: Framework, Scope, and Magnitude, 14 7 Ibid., 1 8 Ibid., 3 9 U.S. Census Bureau News, U.S. Goods Trade: Imports and Exports by Related Parties 2011, 5 10 Cooper , EU-U.S. Economic Ties: Framework, Scope, and Magnitude, 4 11 Cooper , EU-U.S. Economic Ties: Framework, Scope, and Magnitude, 14 12 European Commission, Mapping the Future of the EU-US Partnership: Policy and Research Perspectives, 7 13 European Union Institute for Security Studies, European Perspectives on the new American Foreign Policy Agenda, 10 14 Alcaro, R and Alessandri, Re-setting US-EU-Russia Relations: Moving beyond Rhetoric, 17 15 Ibid., 7 16 Grant, Democracy in America, 12 17 Grant, Democracy in America,36 18 Alcaro, R and Alessandri, Re-setting US-EU-Russia Relations: Moving beyond Rhetoric, 13 19 Ibid., 7 20 Ibid., 23 This critical writing on The Relationship between the European Union and the United States was written and submitted by user Jimena Robles to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Confrontations in the novel essays
Confrontations in the novel essays Sometimes in life people are forced to conform to a certain situation for lack of a better alternative, and this is the case in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. These such people lack the will to stand up for their scruples, and intern are simply guided through their mundane lives by the powers that be. Until someone comes along offering them leadership and the prospect to become big again. The man who does so is no other than R.P. McMurphy. Scanlon, Harding, Bibbit, and Chief Bromden may have become adjusted to the oppressive system in which they lived, but certainly were much better adjusted to the real world and life in general after their experience with McMurphy. Some people may argue that the people of the mental hospital were better off without McMurphy because their lives were normal and routine. Their daily routine guided them through a series of happenings, which were both comfortable and tolerable to them, even though as a result of this they would remain subject to the manipulative ways of Nurse Ratchet. These people would say that the oppressive society that they lived in may not suit everyone, but certainly suited them. McMurphy, on the other hand, finds this setting to be suitable for no human being, and soon after arriving he sets the tone for change. Well what they got that man strapped down for, says McMurphy, I dont like that, no sir, it just aint dignified. By coming to the hospital he brings a sense of realism and courage to the lives of these patients. They have been longing for leadership and McMurphy wont be intimidated. Im thinkin a takin over this whole shebang, says McMurphy, and he knows in order to do this he must instill courage into the patients of the ward. As we are first introduced to the characters, we as the reader meet Harding, a middle aged man, who wears glasses and ba...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Art In The Twenty-First Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Art In The Twenty-First Century - Essay Example Her most famous persona is that of Eleanora Antinova, the tragically overlooked black ballerina of Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. Appearing as Antinova in scripted and non-scripted performances for over a decade, Antin has blurred the distinction between her identity and that of her character. In the process, she has created a rich body of work detailing the multiple facets of her beloved Antinova, including a fictitious memoir and numerous films, photographs, installations, performances, and drawings. She has written two books (Being Antinova and Eleanora Antinova Plays). In her 2001 series "The Last Days of Pompeii," Antin lingers behind the camera to stage the final, catastrophic days of Pompeii in the prosperous hills of La Jolla, California. In "The Golden Death" from this series, the imagined citizens of Pompeii drown in the excess of their own wealth, an ironic parable of American culture in the throes of over-consumption. Eleanor Antin received a Guggenheim Foundation Fel lowship in 1997 and a Media Achievement Award from the National Foundation for Jewish Culture in 1998. She has had numerous solo exhibitions, including an award-winning retrospective at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in 1999.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
American history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
American history - Essay Example Industrialization left the northern states of the Union developed and the south was still operating under the agrarian practices, which had existed prior to the formation of the United States. The arguments of slavery address the fundamental questions, which are whether slaves are regarded as people or property, the view of states’ rights vs. federal rights, and the impact of sociology and religion in politics. The question of the rights of states and slavery started to begin as Manifest Destiny began to take place. The United States was becoming an established world power and was expanding west. As a result, the original thirteen colonies were growing. Some of these new territories were taken through purchases with foreign nations and some were the result of wars. The Compromise of 1850 dealt with the future of slave states versus those in the Union. In the compromise, there were specific territorial and financial compensations which were given in order to prevent the worst, but what would become an inevitable action: cessation of the southern slave states (Boyer, Clark, Hawley, Kett, & Rieserm 2010) The biggest debate, which was invoked, was over the debate of whether slaves were regarded as people or property. Seward argued on the behalf of natural law and the laws that were passed down by God.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Mergers Of Abbey National And Santander Finance Essay
Mergers Of Abbey National And Santander Finance Essay As Watson Head (2007: 310-311) explained the terms Merger and Acquisition are used interchangeably but the differences are quite noticeable. The term Merger suggests the friendly reorganisations of assets into a new organization; the two similar sized organizations will then become one entity with both sets of existing shareholders. On the other hand, Acquisition or a Takeover suggests obtaining ones companys ordinary share capital by another one. In an acquisition the one of the organizations is larger in size and financial stability and has the dominant power over the other one. The Acquisition process is lengthy and very complicated in nature. Acquisition of any particular organization can have several motives, the acquirer may want to amplify their economies of scale, market share or to attain the financial synergy through declining the companys cost of capital. All these can be classified as: Horizontal Merger and Acquisition: Involves companies at the same stage of production in the same industry. i.e.: the acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft in 2010 Vertical Merger and Acquisition: This involves companies at different stage of production but within the same industry. The vertical integration can either be: Forward movement towards the production process, i.e: A furniture manufacturer merging with a retail furniture outlet. Backward movement towards securing the suppliers, i.e: A furniture manufacturer merging with a wood supplier. Conglomerate Merger and Acquisition: involves companies in unrelated business lines. i.e.: A clothing company acquiring a jewellery company. Trends in MA activity 2004 to 2010 in Europe Banking Industry: Figure 1: One in Five companies plans to go for large scale Acquisition in 2010 some industries expect to be even more active. Source: USB and BCG CEO/Senior Management MA survey- 2009 on 166 European Companies. As from the Figure:1 and Graph:1 , The MA trend in Retail and Insurance industries are in inclining nature, but we can observe an inclining trend in the Banking industry MA in Western Europe compared to the global trend. The Western Europe Banking sector MA shows a parallel movement with the global MA trend, suggesting that the Western Market is very susceptible to the overall market movement. The inclining nature of the MA in the Western Baking Sector (from mid 2005- mid 2009) suggests the upturn of the MA trend in the during the current recession crisis, the banks were making profits with the global trends in M&A; as these banks are also earning fees from their advisory and other services, such as; syndicated banking facilities to support leveraged bids. The trend also suggests the wave of cross-border MA with the movement of the global trend in order to expand the business. Graph 1: Trend in Global MA activity (2004-2010), compared to Eastern and Western Europe banking industry MA. Source: Bloomberg In the current recession years; with low interest rate, poor bond yields and high level of liquidity- the banking industry within the Western Europe is embracing the MA opportunity as many corporations have pushed back the bidding deals. [1] Table 1: MA trend from 1/01/2010 to 29/03/2010. Source: Bloomberg Acquirer Region Target Region Average Size (GBP million) Global Global 110.63M Global North America 174.94M Global Europe 79.60M Global Asia Pacific 65.29M Global Latin America Caribbean 331.65M Global Middle East Africa 106.65M North America North America 159.79M North America Europe 114.29M North America Asia Pacific 48.36M North America Latin America Caribbean 47.84M North America Middle East Africa 17.54M Europe North America 546.90M Europe Europe 65.42M Europe Asia Pacific 636.53M Europe Latin America Caribbean 1.14B Europe Middle East Africa 95.87M Asia Pacific North America 128.86M Asia Pacific Europe 41.68M Asia Pacific Asia Pacific 46.56M Asia Pacific Latin America Caribbean 180.35M Asia Pacific Middle East Africa 94.18M Latin America Caribbean North America 183.26M Latin America Caribbean Europe 455.35M Latin America Caribbean Asia Pacific 73.86M Latin America Caribbean Latin America Caribbean 506.03M Latin America Caribbean Middle East Africa 11.21M Middle East Africa North America 10.50M Middle East Africa Europe 485.98M Middle East Africa Asia Pacific 21.17M Middle East Africa Latin America Caribbean 7.62M Middle East Africa Middle East Africa 134.77M From the table above, the MA trend is inclining more towards emerging markets as the target regions; although, emerging markets are also opting for MA activities in the same or different emerging markets to expand the business. An Acquisition CASE: Abbey national PLC acquired by Banco Santander SA: Background of Abbey National PLC: The Abbey National Building Society was formed following the merger of the Abbey Road Building Society and the National Building Society in 1944 [2] . In July 1989, Abbey became a public limited company and floated on the London Stock Exchange. With 12 million customers and assets of  £ 177 billion, it is ranked the sixth largest bank in the UK by assets and the fifth largest by deposits (with a 9% share of the market). Reflecting its origins as a building society, it is the second largest mortgage provider in the UK, with an 11% share of the market. Furthermore, with 15% of the market, at the time of acquisition, it was the third largest provider of insurance protection products and has a large distribution network with more than 700 branches (EMCC, 2008). Abbey had two main business divisions, Personal Financial Services and the Portfolio Business Unit. Background of Banco Santander Central Hispano SA: Santander is a bank that has transformed itself: from being a middle player in the Spanish banking market 20 years ago, it is now a major global bank operating in Spain, Portugal, Germany, the United Kingdom and other European countries, as well as in Latin America. The group is currently the leading consumer bank in Europe and has over 10,500 branches globally (excluding those branches gained through the acquisition of Banco Real as a result of a deal with ABN AMRO). Santander is a technologically advanced bank, with an information technology platform that is regarded as a strong competitive advantage. Excluding Banco Real employees, the group currently employs approximately 130,000 people worldwide, of whom 50% are working in Latin America. There are also large numbers of employees working in the UK and Spain. (EMCC, 2008). Banco Santander was a small retail bank when it started its business in 1985, since then it initiated its local market growth through mergers and strategic alliances; and later implemented Low-scale cross-border expansion through strategic alliances and acquisitions. Gradually, the implementation of Large-scale cross border expansion took place. Chart 1: Banco Santander Acquisition Transaction Overview till January 2010. Source: Reuters Overview of the Acquisition: The objectivity of this particular acquisition/takeover was to diversify the business of Banco Santander PLC to mortgage and financial services; not to mention to explore the retail banking opportunities in the UK market. Therefore, the motive for this MA was to gain economies of scale through synergy and also to entering a new market in order to optimize their market share, hence; buying Abbey was a mean to enter into Europes second largest consumer financing market. In 2003 Abbey National PLC was pricey for Santander and in 2004, Abbey incurred losses from its entry into the money market and Santander decided to go ahead with the Acquisition plan in order to penetrate the UK market. Moreover, the secondary objective of this acquisition was to under-cut the local competition for Banco Santander with the hopes of obtaining higher profitability in the UK market. Moreover, Banco Santander already had the expertise in the retail banking and built a strategic alliance with the Royal Bank of Scotland from 1988. Therefore, Santander had already gathered banking knowledge and futuristic opportunities. As stated by Parada et al., (2009: 666-667) Acquiring Abbey National PLC would make Banco Santander the biggest bank in Europe and Latin America and dominating their business in the strong currencies- the Euro, US dollar and the Pound. The acquisition had boosted the companys operation in six segments: Retail Banking, Global Banking Markets, Corporate Banking, Private Banking, Group Infrastructure and Sold Life Businesses. After the acquisition Abbey National PLC became Santander UK PLC in January 2010. [3] Abbeys leadership position in the United Kingdoms mortgage lending market, together with its extensive branch network, represent for the shareholders of Banco Santander and of Abbey an opportunity to create value based on the application of the best business and technological practices of Banco Santander to Abbeys banking operations. Abbeys business heavily contributes to reinforce our pan-European franchise and provides the Group with a more balanced earnings stream.-(Emilio Botà n, Chairman of Banco Santander, July 2004). [4] Table 2: Overview of the Abbey National PLC acquisition. Source: Reuters As noted in Parada et al., (2009, 666-668) in 2004 Abbey was suffering from losses from entering in the whole-sale money market; therefore, Santander grabbed the opportunity to launch a friendly bid. Santander managed to overpower all the regulatory obstacles. Although the acquisition was initiated in 2004; but the tentative completion of this acquisition is expected to be at the end of 2010; given Abbey National PLC will be renamed as Santander UK PLC. Figure 2: The 3 steps of internationalization implemented by Santander in 2004. Source: Authors. Acquisition of Abbey National PLC Graph 2: The dimensions of Santander acquisition with its growth (2000 to 2004). Source: Bloomberg The graph above portrays the rising nature of Santander Share price after the Abbey acquisition at the end of year 2004. Defence Strategy implemented by Abbey National PLC: During the Acquisition offer, Abbey National PLC urged its rivals British banks to make counter-bid offer in order to push back the  £8.9 billion offer made by Banco Santander. Moreover Abbey spent out  £9 million worth of Legal documentation to its approximately 1.8 million shareholders in the hopes of bouncing off the Acquisition offer made by Banco Santander. [5] Valuation of the Acquisition: The asking price for the acquisition was  £10 billion and the sold price was  £8.9 billion. The terms of the Acquisition were based on the equity market capitalisation of the two companies over the three months prior to 23 July 2004. Based on the average closing market price for a Banco Santander Share on the Spanish stock market was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬8.70 and the average closing mid-market price for an Abbey Share on the London Stock Exchange was  £4.69 at an exchange rate of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1.5054:  £1, the terms of the represent a premium of approximately 28.4 % with a value of each Abbey Share at  £6.03 or 603 pence ( taking into account the 6 pence for dividend differential, see the financing section), and the entire issued ordinary share capital of Abbey at approximately  £8.9 billion. [6] Financing the Acquisition Bid: The acquisition was finance through the purchase of Abbey shares and Mixed Bid offer was initially offered to precede the acquisition; where, Santander (the largest bank in North American and Spain) offered one of its own shares and 31 pence in cash for each share of London-based Abbey shareholders. [7] The special dividend of 25 pence will be paid along with 6 pence (31 pence in total) worth dividend differential to compensate the Abbey National shareholders; as historically the dividend payment of Banco Santander was usually lower than Abbey National Dividend payment (Table:3). Later on, in November 2004, the acquisition was carried out through an exchange of one new Santander Share for each of Abbey share. 94.6% backing support (based on the share counting only 64.8 % shareholders agreed to the acquisition deal) was received from the Abbeys shareholders in order to proceed with the takeover. The deal was worth almost  £9 billion (or à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 13.5 billion to be exact; at the time of acquisition offer the exchange rate was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1.5054 to  £1). The enlarged company would be 76%-owned by existing Santander shareholders, with the rest in the hands of Abbey shareholders. [8] Regulatory Framework: The acquisition took place under section 425 of UK Companies Act 1985. Moreover, Santander had to provide many paper-works and detailed plans to the European Authorities regarding the Abbey Acquisition (See Appendix, Illustration: 2). As a result of the acquisition, Abbeys remaining private shareholders became entitled to one Santander share and the shares are traded in Euros in the Madrid Stock Exchange. [9] Table 3: Capital Value estimated for the Abbey Shareholders, Source: Cultural Differences: Although, the Spanish culture and British culture vary in many ways they run business. In British Culture, organizations rely mainly on their Human Resource, whereas, Spanish Culture relies more on the technological upgrading. Abbey National PLC had about 33% back-office employees; whereas, Santander had about 6% to 10% employees as back-end personnel. Therefore, after the acquisition the employee number in Santander PLC came down to 16 thousands from 24 thousands in the UK. At the time of acquisition Santanders cost to income was 42%, whereas in UK it was on about 50% or more. [10] The acquisition may be affected by different tax incentives and regulations. Any change in the Spanish Banking policy will affect the Santander UK subsidiary both economically and financially. Moreover at the time of acquisition in 2004, the UK national savings rate is only 14.7% of GDP, compared with over 23% in Spain. Therefore, the spending and saving nature in the UK are very diverse than in Spain. As quoted in the Guardian (2005): Santander .. treats its Spanish shareholders to an unusually attractive range of perks, from discounted medical insurance and dental care to cut-price hams and crates of wine. [11] . Therefore, such treatments in the UK can be perceived as manipulative technique due to the variance in these two cultures. Performance in Share Price and Stock Market- Post Acquisition: Since Banco Santander is a Spanish bank, the shares was listed in Spanish Stock Market and the shareholders had to face exchange rate volatility since the dividend were being paid in Euros; nonetheless, the Spanish taxation issue can be quite complicated to the UK shareholders. The Abbey shareholders were given the option to sell the shares to any Spanish Organization in the UK, but Abbey shareholders who held on to their Santander shares over time have to pay tax on any dividends they get. [12] Banco Santander new shares after the acquisition were not admitted to the Official List or to trading on the London Stock Exchange during the post period of the acquisition. [13] In 2009 Santander 1.1 million new current accounts with our 25 million customers, and reported to deliver more than 30% profit in five successive years after the acquisition. Chart 2: The Overview of UK Competitors. Source: H1 09 Reports Data and BBA Abstract by HSBC Graph 3: Santander UK PLC share price performance. Source: The Santander UK PLC is in the second place after Lloyds Banking Group in the Mortgage market share in UK with relatively reasonable Market share in Retail Banking (Chart: 2). Moreover, The EPS of Banco Santander has been performing quite poorly after 2005, it has declined from 0.337 in 2005 to 0.27 in 2009 (See Appendix, Illustration: 3 ). The share price of Santander UK PLC has been rising from the year 2005 (Graph: 3), partly because the dividend was 15% higher than that paid in the mid of the year 2005. As of in 2006, 25% higher dividend was paid. In 2008, Banco Santander announced its agreement to take over Alliance Leicester PLC (AL). Under the terms of the agreement Banco Santander will offer one Company share for every three AL shares. The European Commission had approved Banco Santander  £1.3 billion takeover of Alliance Leicester Plc. Moreover, in year 2008, Banco Santander had agreed to buy Bradford Bingley PLC retail deposits and branch network. Santander had agreed to pay about  £400 million to acquire 2.7 million Bradford Bingley customer savings accounts containing some  £21 billion of deposits. Therefore, Santander UK PLC is still at its growth stage in the UK Market and it is focusing more on acquiring local financial institutions. Reuters reported in October 2009 that, Banco Santander SA planes to maintain its policy of paying half its net profit in dividends in 2010. Moreover, according to the Yahoo Finance (April, 2010), Banco Santander SA has higher Dividend yield of 6.80 % and global Foreign Money Centre Banks Industry has the rate at 1.96%, which suggest a favourable investment option to the potential shareholders. The Santander Group is working towards the policy of maximizing shareholders profit. Moreover, as reported in Bloomberg, Banco Santander SA is seeking to list its UK business in London Stock Exchange listing from February 2010 in order to raise funds for possible future buy-up opportunities, the listing offering may value at more than  £15 billion. Banco Santander is looking for funds to bid for Royal Bank of Scotland PLC network of 300 branches. On the other hand, Santander UK is willing to sell 25% of its stake in order to be listed in FTSE 100 and also to pay out about  £1 billion a year in dividends to construe an attractive deal to the investors (Source: The Times). Conclusion: Although, there were many speculation against the Abbey acquisition due to its cross-border nature, but all the speculations were proven wrong. Although, this particular acquisition was the most talked about topic in the UK financial market, and many believed the acquisition would not create any value for the Abbey Shareholders. With proper understanding of the local market, Banco Santander had utilized its previous acquisition knowledge when it came to this acquisition. Banco Santander knows what its UK shareholders want and trying to live up that expectation to serve their UK shareholders. Banco Santander is seeking to expand its business in the UK. Although, till date the Abbey bank transformation is still under progress, but Banco Santander had been patient with the UK market because they know- slow and steady wins the race. Bibliography: Huws, U. OKeefe, B. 2008. Managing Change in EU Cross-Border Acquisition, Case example Santander and Abbey: Expansion Enabling access to new markets. EMCC Company Network, 1-4. Mayer-Sommer, A. P. , Sweeney, S. Walker, D.A. 2005. Effect of Bank Acquisition on Shareholder Returns. Bank Accounting and Finance, 1-7, June-July. Lausberg, C. Stahl, T. 2009. Motives and Non-Economic Reasons for Bank Mergers and Acquisitions. The Icfai University Journal of Bank Management, 8(1): 1-25.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Bahamian Society Essay
Issues That Arise In Bahamian Society When Educated Bahamians Decide To Live In Other Countries The Bahamas is in danger of being overtaken by foreigners. Although this statement is fallacious in context, many Bahamians today would not necessarily disagree with it. That, inevitably though, is a situation that the Bahamas can be faced with if educated Bahamians continue to migrate to other countries at a high rate. This migration, better known by the term ‘Brain Drain,’ is and will always be a part of society where educated people leave their native developing countries and seek out more wealthy, opportunistic countries. As noted in the article Reassessing the Impacts of Brain Drain on Developing Countries, â€Å"nearly one in 10 tertiary-educated adults born in the developing world  between a third and half of the developing world’s science and technology personnel  now live in the developed world†(Sriskandarajah). Although the idea of moving to a more wealthy country can be beneficial to the Bahamians that are migrating personally, there are some problems that can arise in the Bahamian society as a result of this. When educated Bahamians decide to live in countries outside the Bahamas, it can hamper development in the country, effect family relationships, and can leave the country vulnerable to foreign manipulation. Educated Bahamians are needed in the Bahamas to further develop the country innovatively. If these Bahamians decide to migrate to other countries, then there could grow to be a great discrepancy in the overall progress of development in the Bahamas because of their absence in the labour force. According to Simon in the article, Bring Home Bahamian Talent, getting access to those skilled Bahamians living abroad and their resourcefulness is crucial to the National Development of the Bahamas (par 3). The Bahamas cannot continue to primarily focus on tourism as its major contributor to the economy when the amount of competition present in the Caribbean continues to grow and major tourism contributing countries such as the United States of America are still recovering from a drastic recession. Komolafe affirms that, â€Å"We must expand our industries to provide job and entrepreneurship opportunities for Bahamians outside of tourism and financial services, which are heavily dependent upon the stability and prosperity of the U.S., E.U. and Canadian economies†(Par 9). This is one of the reasons why Intelligent Bahamians with an entrepreneurship mindset are needed in the Bahamas. In the article, The Bahamian Business Structure: A New Look at our Economy, it states that â€Å"this country (the Bahamas) already has a long history of entrepreneurship and capital formation†(Coulson). Bahamians with this entrepreneurship mentality and drive are the leaders that the Bahamas must retain and motivate to create new business ventures and develop more innovative opportunities for themselves as well as for other Bahamians to find meaningful employment. Family relationships are also affected when educated Bahamians leave their native country and migrate to other countries. Communication is a key factor when dealing with this situation. A household can be greatly affected when, for instance, a parent migrates to another country seeking employment, and leaves their husband/wife in the Bahamas to be a single parent. Even though there might be constant verbal communication between the migrated parent and his/her family, if the overseas job becomes demanding time wise, their absence will be felt in the home and can put an emotional strain on the relationship of the family. That lack of a proper family structure and guidance can also affect the children as they can become susceptible to the influence of society and their peers. This correlation is important because when children become exposed to the realities of society such as violence and peer pressure that is where some can fall astray. Juvenile delinquency is becoming an increasingly serious social ill in the Bahamas whereas, for instance the article, Jveniles Accused of Crimes Jumped 79% in 09, notes that â€Å"The number of juveniles accused of committing crimes in 2009 increased dramatically by almost 80 percent compared to 2008, according to Acting Director of Rehabilitative and Welfare Services Quintin Gray.†Another issue that can be caused by the absence of educated Bahamians in the Bahamas is that it can create an opportunity for foreigners to stream into the Bahamas. This can become a situation that foreign countries seeking to make bonds and gain ties with the Bahamas and its government can take advantage of. Although this idea does not seem detrimental on the surface, the implications of it can lead to corruption and foreign manipulation in the Bahamas. With foreign direct investment on the rise year after year, â€Å"inflows to the Bahamian economy increased by 48.7 per cent to $977 million during 2010,†the Government must realize that such a heavy reliance on foreign influences increases the vulnerability of the Bahamas (Hartnell). Many major tourism projects such as Baha Mar and the new Thomas A. Robinson stadium are being heavily funded by foreign investments which at some point in time must be compensated for by the government. As quoted in the article, Bahamas ‘Polarised By A Dual Economy’, â€Å"These foreign policies have created a dual economy: ‘foreign economy’ and the ‘Bahamian economy’, where the former is dominant and rising, and the latter is subordinate and sinking†(Hartnell). With the government in full support of foreign direct investment the advantages of being a foreigner in the Bahamian marketplace seems to outweigh that of being a local Bahamian looking to enter and prosper in this marketplace. In conclusion, in order to reduce the chances of these problems caused in the Bahamian Society when educated Bahamians migrate to other countries, the Bahamian government must find a solution that would encourage educated Bahamians to want to stay in the Bahamas and assist with the economic growth of the country. Also, these intelligent Bahamians who have and will eventually leave the Bahamas and migrate to another country should understand that the Bahamas does have the opportunities available to support their creative ideas and The Bahamas, being one of the richest independent countries in the Caribbean, is a place where they can find prosperity and a satisfactory place for employment. The Bahamas is considered a part of the ‘Developing world’ for a reason, it is still in the process of growth and finding its identity in the global marketplace, thus requiring those locals that are highly educated and trained to produce for their country and take the leadership role. Works Cited â€Å"Bring Home Bahamian Talent.†Bahama Pundit. 9 Nov. 2010. 14 Feb. 2012 Coulson Richard. â€Å"The Bahamian Business Structure: A New Look at our Economy.†The Nassau Institute. 12 July. 2003. 17 Feb. 2012 Hartnell Neil â€Å"Bahamas ‘polarised by a dual economy’.†The Tribune. 8 Oct. 2009. 15 Feb. 2012 Hartnell Neil. â€Å"Foreign Investment Rises 49% To $977M.†The Tribune. 28 July. 2011. 15 Feb. 2012 â€Å"Juveniles accused of crimes jumped 79% in ’09.†6 May. 2010. 19 Feb. 2012 Komolafe Arinthia. â€Å"The Bahamian Dream Pt.1.†The Nassau Guardian. 20 Jan. 2012. 15 Feb 2012 Sriskandarajah Dhananjayan. â€Å"Reassessing the Impacts of Brain Drain on Developing Countries.†Migration Information Source. Aug. 2005. 17 Feb. 2012
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Performance Appraisal System Essay
Performance Appraisal System Antronette S. Hancock Axia College of University of Phoenix A performance appraisal system is a very important part of any successful organization. Both employees and organizational management and leaders benefit from a well-structured performance appraisal system. These systems offer feedback and rewards to employees who perform well, while at the same time holding employees accountable for their performance. The following report will describe the purpose, benefits, and elements of a good performance appraisal system, and outline a unique performace appraisal system for a human service organization. The purpose of a performance appraisal system is to provide an evaluation and feedback on an employee’s performance. Most organizations perform appraisals yearly and may call the appraisal by other terms-such as a review. Even if appraisals are performed annually, management should have weekly consultations or meetings with staff to ensure each employee is kept up-to-date with policies and each employee knows what is expected of him or her. A manager should not wait until the end of a year to let an employee know that there has been a performance problem for the last eight months. Problems should be addressed as they arise to prevent any surprises during the appraisal process. The evaluation portion of an appraisal system is normally performed by management. During this portion, management evaluates an employee’s performance to determine if there are any areas that need improvement. Ideally, all employees should be meeting or exceeding organizational standards. If an employee is not meeting standards, or has not met standards at some point within the previous year, his or her appraisal may have suggestions for improvement or there may be other consequences as a result of poor performace. The feedback portion of an appraisal system normally takes place between management and the employee who is being appraised. According to Caruth and Humphreys, appraisals should be formalized according to organizational procedure (2008). Feedback should be conducted in a private setting to ensure that the information being passed on is confidential. The manager should thoroughly explain the employee’s appraisal and encourage the employee to ask questions. The manager should also be attentive to what the employee says so the the employee does not feel like his or her comments or concerns are not important. From an employee viewpoint, the purpose of a performace appraisal is very different than that of the organization. According to Cash, the employee wants to know four things: what do you want me to do, how well have I done it, how can I improve my performance, and reward me for doing well (1993). These are the questions and expectations an employees need to know in order to perform his or her job well. Managers should make sure employees are aware of expectations each and every day while working. From the organizational viewpoint, one of the main purposes of an employee appraisal system is accountability. Employees need to be held accountable for their performance at all times. A good appraisal system outlines each employee’s responsibilities and performance rates to show accountability. This is especially important in organizations that have areas with overlapping responsibilities. Each employee needs to know specifically what he or she is held accountable for. There are many benefits of a good performance appraisal system. One of the benefits is that the appraisal process allows managers to have one-on-one time with employees that they may not get to have on a daily basis. Another benefit is that any existing problems can be addressed and, hopefully, solutions can be made so that the problem can be corrected. Appraisals also encourage employees to perform better in the future so that the next appraisal will be positive. Consider the following unique appraisal system for a human service organization. Each employee will be evaluated yearly. The evaluation will be based on three areas: work performance, attendance, and innovation. Work performace will acquire the biggest portion of the appraisal score because there are many factors involved. Work performance will be based on organizational standards, accuracy rates, timeliness standards, and customer satisfaction. Attendance scores will be based on the employee’s attendance history for the previous year. And Innovation scores will be given based on any ideas the employee has come up with to improve organizational processes or cut organizational costs. Once the scores are determined, a final appraisal score is given to the employee. Employees can compare these scores from year to year to see if his or her performance is acceptable for the organization. Employee appraisal systems are very beneficial for both employees and the organization. Appraisals provide feedback to employees concerning their performance and also holds each employee accountable.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Paris with You - Poem Revision Notes - 1907 Words
‘In Paris with You’ by James Fenton Learning objectives: - AO1: respond to texts critically and imaginatively, select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations. - AO2: explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings. Pre-reading activity: 1. What do you associate with Paris? For example, you might think of the Eiffel Tower, fancy restaurants, or the Stade de France. Try to think of at least three more – you don’t only have to think of places. â†______________________________________ â†______________________________________ â†______________________________________ 2. What sorts of places†¦show more content†¦Who is the voice speaking to? Is the voice in the poem Fenton’s, and does it matter either way? What do you think will happen to the people in the poem? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TASK ( Imagine you are a presenter on a TV show that specialises in literature and the arts. James Fenton has been booked for an interview to discuss his poetry. Come up with five questions you would like to ask him about this poem and his work in general. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Poetry detectives ( Work in pairs to makeShow MoreRelated Biography of Ernest Hemingway Essay3737 Words  | 15 PagesBiography of Ernest Hemingway Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never really care for anything else thereafter. You will meet them doing various things with resolve, but their interest rarely holds because after the other thing ordinary life is as flat as the taste of wine when the taste buds have been burned off your tongue. 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